BlinkenArea - GitList
begin of ethernet RX implementation, so far only test interface to core, does not meet timing
Stefan Schuermans
at 2012-02-20 21:16:03
LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE work.io_lcd_pins.all; USE work.io_switches_pins.all; ENTITY e_system IS PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; pin_o_leds: OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); pin_o_lcd: OUT t_io_lcd_pins; pin_i_switches: IN t_io_switches_pins; pin_i_uart_rx: IN std_logic; pin_o_uart_tx: OUT std_logic; pin_o_eth_nrst: OUT std_logic; pin_i_eth_rx_clk: IN std_logic; pin_i_eth_rxd: IN std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); pin_i_eth_rx_dv: IN std_logic; pin_i_eth_crs: IN std_logic; pin_i_eth_col: IN std_logic; pin_i_eth_tx_clk: IN std_logic; pin_o_eth_txd: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); pin_o_eth_tx_en: OUT std_logic ); END ENTITY e_system; ARCHITECTURE a_system OF e_system IS CONSTANT c_instr_addr_width: natural := 13; CONSTANT c_data_addr_width: natural := 13; SIGNAL rst: std_logic := '0'; SIGNAL s_instr_addr: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_instr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_dbus_addr: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_dbus_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_dbus_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_dbus_wr_en: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_data_addr: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_data_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_data_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_data_wr_en: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_leds_rd_data: std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_leds_wr_data: std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_leds_wr_en: std_logic; SIGNAL s_lcd_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_lcd_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_lcd_wr_en: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_switches_addr: std_logic_vector( 2 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_switches_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_uart_addr: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_uart_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_uart_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_uart_wr_en: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_eth_addr: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_eth_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_eth_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_eth_wr_en: std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_cyc_cnt_rd_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_cyc_cnt_wr_data: std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL s_cyc_cnt_wr_en: std_logic; COMPONENT e_mips_core IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; i_stall: IN std_logic; o_instr_addr: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_instr_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); o_data_addr: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_data_rd_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); o_data_wr_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); o_data_wr_en: OUT std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT e_mips_core; COMPONENT e_rom IS GENERIC ( addr_width: natural ); PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector(addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 0); o_data: OUT std_logic_vector( 31 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT e_rom; COMPONENT e_ram_0 IS GENERIC ( addr_width: natural ); PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector(addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_ram_0; COMPONENT e_ram_1 IS GENERIC ( addr_width: natural ); PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector(addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_ram_1; COMPONENT e_ram_2 IS GENERIC ( addr_width: natural ); PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector(addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_ram_2; COMPONENT e_ram_3 IS GENERIC ( addr_width: natural ); PORT ( clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector(addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector( 7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_ram_3; COMPONENT e_io_leds IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic; pin_o_leds: OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) ); END COMPONENT e_io_leds; COMPONENT e_io_lcd IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); pin_o_lcd: OUT t_io_lcd_pins ); END COMPONENT e_io_lcd; COMPONENT e_io_switches IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector( 0 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); pin_i_switches: IN t_io_switches_pins ); END COMPONENT e_io_switches; COMPONENT e_io_uart IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector( 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); pin_i_rx: IN std_logic; pin_o_tx: OUT std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_io_uart; COMPONENT e_io_eth IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; i_addr: IN std_logic_vector( 1 DOWNTO 0); o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic_vector( 3 DOWNTO 0); pin_o_nrst: OUT std_logic; pin_i_rx_clk: IN std_logic; pin_i_rxd: IN std_logic_vector(4 DOWNTO 0); pin_i_rx_dv: IN std_logic; pin_i_crs: IN std_logic; pin_i_col: IN std_logic; pin_i_tx_clk: IN std_logic; pin_o_txd: OUT std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0); pin_o_tx_en: OUT std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_io_eth; COMPONENT e_io_cyc_cnt IS PORT ( rst: IN std_logic; clk: IN std_logic; o_rd_data: OUT std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_data: IN std_logic_vector(31 DOWNTO 0); i_wr_en: IN std_logic ); END COMPONENT e_io_cyc_cnt; BEGIN core: e_mips_core PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, i_stall => '0', o_instr_addr => s_instr_addr, i_instr_data => s_instr_data, o_data_addr => s_dbus_addr, i_data_rd_data => s_dbus_rd_data, o_data_wr_data => s_dbus_wr_data, o_data_wr_en => s_dbus_wr_en ); instr: e_rom GENERIC MAP ( addr_width => c_instr_addr_width - 2 ) PORT MAP ( clk => clk, i_addr => s_instr_addr(c_instr_addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 2), o_data => s_instr_data ); p_dbus: PROCESS(s_dbus_addr, s_dbus_wr_data, s_dbus_wr_en, s_data_rd_data, s_leds_rd_data, s_lcd_rd_data, s_switches_rd_data, s_uart_rd_data, s_eth_rd_data, s_cyc_cnt_rd_data) VARIABLE v_wr_en_word: std_logic; BEGIN v_wr_en_word := s_dbus_wr_en(0) AND s_dbus_wr_en(1) AND s_dbus_wr_en(2) AND s_dbus_wr_en(3); s_dbus_rd_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_data_addr <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_data_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_data_wr_en <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_leds_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_leds_wr_en <= '0'; s_lcd_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_lcd_wr_en <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_switches_addr <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_uart_addr <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_uart_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_uart_wr_en <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_eth_addr <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_eth_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_eth_wr_en <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_cyc_cnt_wr_data <= (OTHERS => '0'); s_cyc_cnt_wr_en <= '0'; IF s_dbus_addr(31) = '0' THEN s_dbus_rd_data <= s_data_rd_data; s_data_addr <= s_dbus_addr; s_data_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data; s_data_wr_en <= s_dbus_wr_en; ELSIF s_dbus_addr(31 DOWNTO 16) = X"8000" THEN CASE s_dbus_addr(15 DOWNTO 8) IS WHEN X"00" => s_dbus_rd_data <= X"000000" & s_leds_rd_data; s_leds_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data(7 DOWNTO 0); s_leds_wr_en <= s_dbus_wr_en(0); WHEN X"01" => s_dbus_rd_data <= s_lcd_rd_data; s_lcd_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data; s_lcd_wr_en <= s_dbus_wr_en; WHEN X"02" => s_dbus_rd_data <= s_switches_rd_data; s_switches_addr <= s_dbus_addr(2 DOWNTO 0); WHEN X"03" => s_dbus_rd_data <= s_uart_rd_data; s_uart_addr <= s_dbus_addr(3 DOWNTO 0); s_uart_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data; s_uart_wr_en <= s_dbus_wr_en; WHEN X"04" => s_dbus_rd_data <= s_eth_rd_data; s_eth_addr <= s_dbus_addr(3 DOWNTO 0); s_eth_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data; s_eth_wr_en <= s_dbus_wr_en; WHEN X"10" => s_dbus_rd_data <= s_cyc_cnt_rd_data; s_cyc_cnt_wr_data <= s_dbus_wr_data; s_cyc_cnt_wr_en <= v_wr_en_word; WHEN OTHERS => NULL; END CASE; END IF; END PROCESS p_dbus; data_0: e_ram_0 GENERIC MAP ( addr_width => c_data_addr_width - 2 ) PORT MAP ( clk => clk, i_addr => s_data_addr(c_data_addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_data_rd_data(7 DOWNTO 0), i_wr_data => s_data_wr_data(7 DOWNTO 0), i_wr_en => s_data_wr_en(0) ); data_1: e_ram_1 GENERIC MAP ( addr_width => c_data_addr_width - 2 ) PORT MAP ( clk => clk, i_addr => s_data_addr(c_data_addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_data_rd_data(15 DOWNTO 8), i_wr_data => s_data_wr_data(15 DOWNTO 8), i_wr_en => s_data_wr_en(1) ); data_2: e_ram_2 GENERIC MAP ( addr_width => c_data_addr_width - 2 ) PORT MAP ( clk => clk, i_addr => s_data_addr(c_data_addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_data_rd_data(23 DOWNTO 16), i_wr_data => s_data_wr_data(23 DOWNTO 16), i_wr_en => s_data_wr_en(2) ); data_3: e_ram_3 GENERIC MAP ( addr_width => c_data_addr_width - 2 ) PORT MAP ( clk => clk, i_addr => s_data_addr(c_data_addr_width - 1 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_data_rd_data(31 DOWNTO 24), i_wr_data => s_data_wr_data(31 DOWNTO 24), i_wr_en => s_data_wr_en(3) ); leds: e_io_leds PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, o_rd_data => s_leds_rd_data, i_wr_data => s_leds_wr_data, i_wr_en => s_leds_wr_en, pin_o_leds => pin_o_leds ); lcd: e_io_lcd PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, o_rd_data => s_lcd_rd_data, i_wr_data => s_lcd_wr_data, i_wr_en => s_lcd_wr_en, pin_o_lcd => pin_o_lcd ); switches: e_io_switches PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, i_addr => s_switches_addr(2 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_switches_rd_data, pin_i_switches => pin_i_switches ); uart: e_io_uart PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, i_addr => s_uart_addr(3 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_uart_rd_data, i_wr_data => s_uart_wr_data, i_wr_en => s_uart_wr_en, pin_i_rx => pin_i_uart_rx, pin_o_tx => pin_o_uart_tx ); eth: e_io_eth PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, i_addr => s_eth_addr(3 DOWNTO 2), o_rd_data => s_eth_rd_data, i_wr_data => s_eth_wr_data, i_wr_en => s_eth_wr_en, pin_o_nrst => pin_o_eth_nrst, pin_i_rx_clk => pin_i_eth_rx_clk, pin_i_rxd => pin_i_eth_rxd, pin_i_rx_dv => pin_i_eth_rx_dv, pin_i_crs => pin_i_eth_crs, pin_i_col => pin_i_eth_col, pin_i_tx_clk => pin_i_eth_tx_clk, pin_o_txd => pin_o_eth_txd, pin_o_tx_en => pin_o_eth_tx_en ); cyc_cnt: e_io_cyc_cnt PORT MAP ( rst => rst, clk => clk, o_rd_data => s_cyc_cnt_rd_data, i_wr_data => s_cyc_cnt_wr_data, i_wr_en => s_cyc_cnt_wr_en ); END ARCHITECTURE a_system;