BlinkenArea - GitList
Blimp v.1.3.7 (2009-08-15)
Christian Heimke
at 2011-07-15 09:25:18
/* BlinkenLightsInteractiveMovieProgram * version 1.3.7 date 2009-08-15 * Copyright (C) 2004-2009: Stefan Schuermans <> * Copyleft: GNU public license - * a project */ package org.blinkenarea.Blimp; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import org.blinkenarea.BlinkenLib.*; public class BlinkenFrameEditor extends BlinkenFrameDisplay implements BlinkenFrameDisplayListener, BlinkenFrameDisplayInterceptor { //tool constants public static final int toolNone = 0, toolColorPicker = 1, toolDot = 2, toolLine = 3, toolRect = 4, toolFilledRect = 5, toolCircle = 6, toolFilledCircle = 7, toolCopy = 8, toolPaste = 9; //configuration variables BlinkenFrameDisplayListener exDisplayListener = null; BlinkenFrameDisplayInterceptor exDisplayInterceptor = null; BlinkenFrameEditorListener editorListener = null; int tool = toolNone; Color color = Color.white; //internal state variables int pressX = 0, pressY = 0; //position of mouse where mouse button was pressed boolean press = false; //if this position is available int curX = 0, curY = 0; //current position of mouse boolean cur = false; //if this position is available //clipboard for copy & paste BlinkenFrame clipboard = null; //contents int clipboardRefX = 0, clipboardRefY = 0; //reference position //undo / redo buffers static final int maxUndo = 16; //maximum depth of undo / redo buffer BlinkenFrame buffersUndo[], buffersRedo[]; //the buffers int cntUndo, cntRedo; //number of entries in buffers public BlinkenFrameEditor( ) { int i; super.setDisplayListener( this ); super.setDisplayInterceptor( this ); //allocate array for undo / redo buffers buffersUndo = new BlinkenFrame[maxUndo]; buffersRedo = new BlinkenFrame[maxUndo]; for( i = 0; i < maxUndo; i++ ) { buffersUndo[i] = null; buffersRedo[i] = null; } cntUndo = 0; cntRedo = 0; } //mouse button was clicked in the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayClicked( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { int r, g, b; press = false; //forget position of last mouse button pressing curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; cur = true; updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayClicked( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse was dragged in the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayDragged( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { boolean curChanged; curChanged = cur && (curX != x || curY != y); curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; cur = true; //apply active tool switch( tool ) { case toolColorPicker: if( frame != null && cur && editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorColorPicked( frame.getColor( curY, curX ) ); break; case toolDot: if( frame != null && cur && curChanged ) { //we do not save undo information here, it was saved in blinkenFrameDisplayPressed frame.setColor( curY, curX, color ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; } updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayDragged( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse entered the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayEntered( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; cur = true; updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayEntered( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse exited the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayExited( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { cur = false; //forget mouse position updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayExited( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse was moved in the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayMoved( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { press = false; //forget position of last mouse button pressing curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; cur = true; updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayMoved( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse button was pressed in the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayPressed( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { String pos, size; int y1, y2, x1, x2, c; pressX = x; //remember current position as position of last mouse button pressing pressY = y; press = true; curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; cur = true; //apply active tool switch( tool ) { case toolColorPicker: if( frame != null && editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorColorPicked( frame.getColor( curY, curX ) ); break; case toolDot: if( frame != null && cur ) { undoSave( ); frame.setColor( curY, curX, color ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolPaste: if( frame != null && clipboard != null ) { undoSave( ); y1 = curY - clipboardRefY; y2 = clipboard.getHeight( ); x1 = curX - clipboardRefX; x2 = clipboard.getWidth( ); for( y = 0; y < y2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < x2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c, clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; } updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayPressed( y, x, height, width ); } //mouse button was released in the frame display public void blinkenFrameDisplayReleased( int y, int x, int height, int width ) { int y1, y2, x1, x2, xx, yy, c; long rx2, ry2, z, zx, zy, z1, z2, z3, z1a, z2a, z3a; boolean inv; curX = x; //remember current mouse position curY = y; press = true; //apply active tool switch( tool ) { case toolLine: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { undoSave( ); graphics.setColor( color ); inv = (pressY < curY && pressX > curX) || (pressY > curY && pressX < curX); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ) - y1; x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ) - x1; if( x2 == y2 ) //neccessary because of x2 == y2 == 0 { if( inv ) for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) frame.setColor( (y1 + x), (x1 + x2 - x), color ); else for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) frame.setColor( (y1 + x), (x1 + x), color ); } else if( x2 > y2 ) { if( inv ) for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) { y = (x * y2 + x2 / 2) / x2; frame.setColor( (y1 + y), (x1 + x2 - x), color ); } else for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) { y = (x * y2 + x2 / 2) / x2; frame.setColor( (y1 + y), (x1 + x), color ); } } else { if( inv ) for( y = 0; y <= y2; y++ ) { x = (y * x2 + y2 / 2) / y2; frame.setColor( (y1 + y2 - y), (x1 + x), color ); } else for( y = 0; y <= y2; y++ ) { x = (y * x2 + y2 / 2) / y2; frame.setColor( (y1 + y), (x1 + x), color ); } } if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolRect: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { undoSave( ); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ); x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ); for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) frame.setColor( y, x1, color ); if( x1 != x2 ) for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) frame.setColor( y, x2, color ); for( x = x1 + 1; x < x2; x++ ) frame.setColor( y1, x, color ); if( y1 != y2 ) for( x = x1 + 1; x < x2; x++ ) frame.setColor( y2, x, color ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolFilledRect: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { undoSave( ); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ); x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ); for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) for( x = x1; x <= x2; x++ ) frame.setColor( y, x, color ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolCircle: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { undoSave( ); y1 = pressY; y2 = Math.abs( curY - pressY ); x1 = pressX; x2 = Math.abs( curX - pressX ); rx2 = (long)x2 * (long)x2; ry2 = (long)y2 * (long)y2; for( x = x2, y = 0, z = 0; x >= 0 && y <= y2; ) { frame.setColor( y1 + y, x1 + x, color ); if( y != 0 ) frame.setColor( y1 - y, x1 + x, color ); if( x != 0 ) { frame.setColor( y1 + y, x1 - x, color ); if( y != 0 ) frame.setColor( y1 - y, x1 - x, color ); } zy = (long)(2 * y + 1) * rx2; zx = (long)(2 * x - 1) * ry2; z1a = Math.abs( z1 = z - zy ); z2a = Math.abs( z2 = z + zx ); z3a = Math.abs( z3 = z + zx - zy ); if( z1a < z2a && z1a < z3a ) { y++; z = z1; } else if( z2a < z3a ) { x--; z = z2; } else { x--; y++; z = z3; } } if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolFilledCircle: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { undoSave( ); y1 = pressY; y2 = Math.abs( curY - pressY ); x1 = pressX; x2 = Math.abs( curX - pressX ); rx2 = (long)x2 * (long)x2; ry2 = (long)y2 * (long)y2; for( x = x2, y = 0, yy = -1, z = 0; x >= 0 && y <= y2; ) { if( y != yy ) //do not draw a line twice (if two pixels of circle are left/right to each other) { for( xx = x1 - x; xx <= x1 + x; xx++ ) frame.setColor( y1 + y, xx, color ); if( y != 0 ) for( xx = x1 - x; xx <= x1 + x; xx++ ) frame.setColor( y1 - y, xx, color ); yy = y; } zy = (long)(2 * y + 1) * rx2; zx = (long)(2 * x - 1) * ry2; z1a = Math.abs( z1 = z - zy ); z2a = Math.abs( z2 = z + zx ); z3a = Math.abs( z3 = z + zx - zy ); if( z1a < z2a && z1a < z3a ) { y++; z = z1; } else if( z2a < z3a ) { x--; z = z2; } else { x--; y++; z = z3; } } if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } break; case toolCopy: if( frame != null && press && cur ) { y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ) - y1 + 1; x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ) - x1 + 1; clipboard = new BlinkenFrame( y2, x2, channels, maxval, 0 ); //get contents into clipboard for( y = 0; y < y2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < x2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) clipboard.setPixel( y, x, c, frame.getPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c ) ); clipboardRefX = pressX - x1; //remember reference position clipboardRefY = pressY - y1; } break; } press = false; //forget position of last mouse button pressing updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); if( exDisplayListener != null ) exDisplayListener.blinkenFrameDisplayReleased( y, x, height, width ); } public void blinkenFrameDisplayNewImage( int height, int width, int zoomX, int zoomY, Graphics graphics ) { int y1, y2, x1, x2, y, x, xx, yy; long rx2, ry2, z, zx, zy, z1, z2, z3, z1a, z2a, z3a; boolean inv; //draw preview for active tool switch( tool ) { case toolColorPicker: case toolDot: if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolLine: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); inv = (pressY < curY && pressX > curX) || (pressY > curY && pressX < curX); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ) - y1; x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ) - x1; if( x2 == y2 ) //neccessary because of x2 == y2 == 0 { if( inv ) for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x2 - x), zoomY * (y1 + x), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); else for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + x), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } else if( x2 > y2 ) { if( inv ) for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) { y = (x * y2 + x2 / 2) / x2; graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x2 - x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } else for( x = 0; x <= x2; x++ ) { y = (x * y2 + x2 / 2) / x2; graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } } else { if( inv ) for( y = 0; y <= y2; y++ ) { x = (y * x2 + y2 / 2) / y2; graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + y2 - y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } else for( y = 0; y <= y2; y++ ) { x = (y * x2 + y2 / 2) / y2; graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } } } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolRect: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ); x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ); for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x1, zoomY * y, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( x1 != x2 ) for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x2, zoomY * y, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); for( x = x1 + 1; x < x2; x++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x, zoomY * y1, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( y1 != y2 ) for( x = x1 + 1; x < x2; x++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x, zoomY * y2, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolFilledRect: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ); x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ); for( y = y1; y <= y2; y++ ) for( x = x1; x <= x2; x++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x, zoomY * y, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolCircle: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); y1 = pressY; y2 = Math.abs( curY - pressY ); x1 = pressX; x2 = Math.abs( curX - pressX ); rx2 = (long)x2 * (long)x2; ry2 = (long)y2 * (long)y2; for( x = x2, y = 0, z = 0; x >= 0 && y <= y2; ) { graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( y != 0 ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 - y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( x != 0 ) { graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 - x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( y != 0 ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 - x), zoomY * (y1 - y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } zy = (long)(2 * y + 1) * rx2; zx = (long)(2 * x - 1) * ry2; z1a = Math.abs( z1 = z - zy ); z2a = Math.abs( z2 = z + zx ); z3a = Math.abs( z3 = z + zx - zy ); if( z1a < z2a && z1a < z3a ) { y++; z = z1; } else if( z2a < z3a ) { x--; z = z2; } else { x--; y++; z = z3; } } } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolFilledCircle: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); y1 = pressY; y2 = Math.abs( curY - pressY ); x1 = pressX; x2 = Math.abs( curX - pressX ); rx2 = (long)x2 * (long)x2; ry2 = (long)y2 * (long)y2; for( x = x2, y = 0, yy = -1, z = 0; x >= 0 && y <= y2; ) { if( y != yy ) //do not draw a line twice (if two pixels of circle are left/right to each other) { for( xx = x1 - x; xx <= x1 + x; xx++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * xx, zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); if( y != 0 ) for( xx = x1 - x; xx <= x1 + x; xx++ ) graphics.drawRect( zoomX * xx, zoomY * (y1 - y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); yy = y; } zy = (long)(2 * y + 1) * rx2; zx = (long)(2 * x - 1) * ry2; z1a = Math.abs( z1 = z - zy ); z2a = Math.abs( z2 = z + zx ); z3a = Math.abs( z3 = z + zx - zy ); if( z1a < z2a && z1a < z3a ) { y++; z = z1; } else if( z2a < z3a ) { x--; z = z2; } else { x--; y++; z = z3; } } } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolCopy: if( press && cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); y1 = Math.min( pressY, curY ); y2 = Math.max( pressY, curY ) - y1 + 1; x1 = Math.min( pressX, curX ); x2 = Math.max( pressX, curX ) - x1 + 1; graphics.drawRect( zoomX * x1, zoomY * y1, zoomX * x2 - 1, zoomY * y2 - 1 ); } else if( cur ) { graphics.setColor( color ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * curX, zoomY * curY, zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } break; case toolPaste: if( clipboard != null ) { y1 = curY - clipboardRefY; y2 = clipboard.getHeight( ); x1 = curX - clipboardRefX; x2 = clipboard.getWidth( ); for( y = 0; y < y2; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < x2; x++ ) { graphics.setColor( clipboard.getColor( y, x ) ); graphics.drawRect( zoomX * (x1 + x), zoomY * (y1 + y), zoomX - 1, zoomY - 1 ); } } } } if( exDisplayInterceptor != null ) exDisplayInterceptor.blinkenFrameDisplayNewImage( height, width, zoomX, zoomY, graphics ); } public void setFrame( BlinkenFrame newFrame ) { super.setFrame( newFrame ); //adapt clipboard to new format if( newFrame != null && clipboard != null ) clipboard.resize( clipboard.getHeight( ), //keep size of clipboard clipboard.getWidth( ), frame.getChannels( ), //adapt color format of clipboard frame.getMaxval( ) ); //reset undo function undoReset( ); } public void updateDisplay( ) { super.updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); } private void updateInfo( ) { String pos = "", size = ""; int y1, y2, x1, x2; if( editorListener != null ) { //current mouse position is available if( cur ) { pos = curX + "," + curY; //position where mouse button was pressed is available if( press ) { //show info for active tool switch( tool ) { //rectangular region case toolLine: case toolRect: case toolFilledRect: case toolCopy: pos = pressX + "," + pressY + ".." + pos + " (" + (Math.abs( pressX - curX ) + 1) + "x" + (Math.abs( pressY - curY ) + 1) + ")"; break; //circular region case toolCircle: case toolFilledCircle: pos = pressX + "," + pressY + ".." + pos + " (" + Math.abs( pressX - curX ) + "r" + Math.abs( pressY - curY ) + ")"; break; } } //pasting if( tool == toolPaste && clipboard != null ) { y1 = curY - clipboardRefY; y2 = clipboard.getHeight( ); x1 = curX - clipboardRefX; x2 = clipboard.getWidth( ); pos += " [" + x1 + "," + y1 + ".." + (x1 + x2 - 1) + "," + (y1 + y2 - 1) + "]" + " (" + x2 + "," + y2 + ")"; } pos += " "; } //a frame is availabale if( height >= 1 && width >= 1 ) size = " (" + width + "x" + height + "-" + channels + "/" + (maxval + 1) + ")"; if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorInfo( pos + "-" + size ); } } public void setTool( int newTool ) { tool = newTool; pressX = -1; //forget position of last mouse button pressing pressY = -1; updateDisplay( ); updateInfo( ); } public void setColor( Color newColor ) { color = newColor; updateDisplay( ); } public void actionInvert( ) { int he, wi, ch, ma, y, x, c; //invert clipboard if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); ma = clipboard.getMaxval( ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) clipboard.setPixel( y, x, c, (byte)(ma - ((int)clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) & 0xFF)) ); } } //invert frame else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y, x, c, (byte)(maxval - ((int)frame.getPixel( y, x, c ) & 0xFF)) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRotate90( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c, y1, x1; BlinkenFrame buffer; //rotate clipboard 90 degrees if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getWidth( ); wi = clipboard.getHeight( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, ch, clipboard.getMaxval( ), 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( wi - 1 - x, y, c ) ); clipboard = buffer; x = wi - 1 - clipboardRefY; y = clipboardRefX; clipboardRefY = y; clipboardRefX = x; } } //rotate frame 90 degrees else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); he = Math.min( height, width ); wi = he; y1 = (height - he) / 2; x1 = (width - wi) / 2; buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, channels, maxval, 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, frame.getPixel( y1 + wi - 1 - x, x1 + y, c ) ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c, buffer.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRotate180( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b1, b2; //rotate clipboard 180 degrees if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( y = 0; y < he / 2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b1 = clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = clipboard.getPixel( he - 1 - y, wi - 1 - x, c ); clipboard.setPixel( he - 1 - y, wi - 1 - x, c, b1 ); clipboard.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } if( (he & 1) != 0 ) for( x = 0; x < wi / 2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b1 = clipboard.getPixel( he / 2, x, c ); b2 = clipboard.getPixel( he / 2, wi - 1 - x, c ); clipboard.setPixel( he / 2, wi - 1 - x, c, b1 ); clipboard.setPixel( he / 2, x, c, b2 ); } clipboardRefY = he - 1 - clipboardRefY; clipboardRefX = wi - 1 - clipboardRefX; } } //rotate frame 180 degrees else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height / 2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b1 = frame.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = frame.getPixel( height - 1 - y, width - 1 - x, c ); frame.setPixel( height - 1 - y, width - 1 - x, c, b1 ); frame.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } if( (height & 1) != 0 ) for( x = 0; x < width / 2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b1 = frame.getPixel( height / 2, x, c ); b2 = frame.getPixel( height / 2, width - 1 - x, c ); frame.setPixel( height / 2, width - 1 - x, c, b1 ); frame.setPixel( height / 2, x, c, b2 ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRotate270( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c, y1, x1; BlinkenFrame buffer; //rotate clipboard 270 degrees if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getWidth( ); wi = clipboard.getHeight( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, ch, clipboard.getMaxval( ), 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( x, he - 1 - y, c ) ); clipboard = buffer; x = clipboardRefY; y = he - 1 - clipboardRefX; clipboardRefY = y; clipboardRefX = x; } } //rotate frame 270 degrees else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); he = Math.min( height, width ); wi = he; y1 = (height - he) / 2; x1 = (width - wi) / 2; buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, channels, maxval, 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, frame.getPixel( y1 + x, x1 + he - 1 - y, c ) ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c, buffer.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionMirrorHor( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b1, b2; //mirror clipboard horizontally if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( y = 0; y < he / 2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b1 = clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = clipboard.getPixel( he - 1 - y, x, c ); clipboard.setPixel( he - 1 - y, x, c, b1 ); clipboard.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } clipboardRefY = he - 1 - clipboardRefY; } } //mirror frame horizontally else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height / 2; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b1 = frame.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = frame.getPixel( height - 1 - y, x, c ); frame.setPixel( height - 1 - y, x, c, b1 ); frame.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionMirrorVer( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b1, b2; //mirror clipboard vertically if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi / 2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b1 = clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = clipboard.getPixel( y, wi - 1 - x, c ); clipboard.setPixel( y, wi - 1 - x, c, b1 ); clipboard.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } clipboardRefX = he - 1 - clipboardRefX; } } //mirror frame vertically else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width / 2; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b1 = frame.getPixel( y, x, c ); b2 = frame.getPixel( y, width - 1 - x, c ); frame.setPixel( y, width - 1 - x, c, b1 ); frame.setPixel( y, x, c, b2 ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionMirrorDiag( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c, y1, x1; BlinkenFrame buffer; //mirror clipboard diagonally (\) if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getWidth( ); wi = clipboard.getHeight( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, ch, clipboard.getMaxval( ), 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( x, y, c ) ); clipboard = buffer; x = clipboardRefY; y = clipboardRefX; clipboardRefY = y; clipboardRefX = x; } } //mirror frame diagonally (\) else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); he = Math.min( height, width ); wi = he; y1 = (height - he) / 2; x1 = (width - wi) / 2; buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, channels, maxval, 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, frame.getPixel( y1 + x, x1 + y, c ) ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c, buffer.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionMirrorDiag2( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c, y1, x1; BlinkenFrame buffer; //mirror clipboard diagonally (/) if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getWidth( ); wi = clipboard.getHeight( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, ch, clipboard.getMaxval( ), 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( wi - 1 - x, he - 1 - y, c ) ); clipboard = buffer; x = wi - 1 - clipboardRefY; y = he - 1 - clipboardRefX; clipboardRefY = y; clipboardRefX = x; } } //mirror frame diagonally (/) else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); he = Math.min( height, width ); wi = he; y1 = (height - he) / 2; x1 = (width - wi) / 2; buffer = new BlinkenFrame( he, wi, channels, maxval, 0 ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) buffer.setPixel( y, x, c, frame.getPixel( y1 + wi - 1 - x, x1 + he - 1 - y, c ) ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y1 + y, x1 + x, c, buffer.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRollLeft( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b; //roll clipboard left if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b = clipboard.getPixel( y, 0, c ); for( x = 1; x < wi; x++ ) clipboard.setPixel( y, x - 1, c, clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); clipboard.setPixel( y, wi - 1, c, b ); } } } //roll frame left else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b = frame.getPixel( y, 0, c ); for( x = 1; x < width; x++ ) frame.setPixel( y, x - 1, c, frame.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); frame.setPixel( y, width - 1, c, b ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRollRight( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b; //roll clipboard right if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( y = 0; y < he; y++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b = clipboard.getPixel( y, wi - 1, c ); for( x = wi - 2; x >= 0; x-- ) clipboard.setPixel( y, x + 1, c, clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); clipboard.setPixel( y, 0, c, b ); } } } //roll frame right else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b = frame.getPixel( y, width - 1, c ); for( x = width - 2; x >= 0; x-- ) frame.setPixel( y, x + 1, c, frame.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); frame.setPixel( y, 0, c, b ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRollUp( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b; //roll clipboard up if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b = clipboard.getPixel( 0, x, c ); for( y = 1; y < he; y++ ) clipboard.setPixel( y - 1, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); clipboard.setPixel( he - 1, x, c, b ); } } } //roll frame up else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b = frame.getPixel( 0, x, c ); for( y = 1; y < height; y++ ) frame.setPixel( y - 1, x, c, frame.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); frame.setPixel( height - 1, x, c, b ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionRollDown( ) { int he, wi, ch, y, x, c; byte b; //roll clipboard down if( tool == toolPaste ) { if( clipboard != null ) { he = clipboard.getHeight( ); wi = clipboard.getWidth( ); ch = clipboard.getChannels( ); for( x = 0; x < wi; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < ch; c++ ) { b = clipboard.getPixel( he - 1, x, c ); for( y = he - 2; y >= 0; y-- ) clipboard.setPixel( y + 1, x, c, clipboard.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); clipboard.setPixel( 0, x, c, b ); } } } //roll frame down else { if( frame != null ) { undoSave( ); for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) { b = frame.getPixel( height - 1, x, c ); for( y = height - 2; y >= 0; y-- ) frame.setPixel( y + 1, x, c, frame.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); frame.setPixel( 0, x, c, b ); } updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); } } } public void actionUndo( ) { BlinkenFrame info; int y, x, c; if( frame != null && cntUndo > 0 ) { //save redo info //(redo buffer cannot be full here, // because it is the same size as the undo buffer) buffersRedo[cntRedo] = new BlinkenFrame( frame ); cntRedo++; //get and remove undo info from buffer cntUndo--; info = buffersUndo[cntUndo]; buffersUndo[cntUndo] = null; //restore frame from info for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y, x, c, info.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); //tell listener if undo or redo possible at the moment if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorCanUndoRedo( cntUndo > 0, cntRedo > 0 ); } } public void actionRedo( ) { BlinkenFrame info; int y, x, c; if( frame != null && cntRedo > 0 ) { //save undo info //(undo buffer cannot be full here, // because it is the same size as the redo buffer) buffersUndo[cntUndo] = new BlinkenFrame( frame ); cntUndo++; //get and remove redo info from buffer cntRedo--; info = buffersRedo[cntRedo]; buffersRedo[cntRedo] = null; //restore frame from info for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < width; x++ ) for( c = 0; c < channels; c++ ) frame.setPixel( y, x, c, info.getPixel( y, x, c ) ); updateDisplay( ); if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorFrameChanged( ); //tell listener if undo or redo possible at the moment if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorCanUndoRedo( cntUndo > 0, cntRedo > 0 ); } } private void undoReset( ) { int i; //clear undo / redo buffers for( i = 0; i < maxUndo; i++ ) { buffersUndo[i] = null; buffersRedo[i] = null; } cntUndo = 0; cntRedo = 0; //undo or redo not possible at the moment if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorCanUndoRedo( false, false ); } private void undoSave( ) { int i; if( frame != null ) { //save undo info if( cntUndo >= maxUndo ) { for( i = 0; i < maxUndo - 1; i++ ) //drop oldest undo info buffersUndo[i] = buffersUndo[i + 1]; cntUndo = maxUndo - 1; } buffersUndo[cntUndo] = new BlinkenFrame( frame ); //save new undo info cntUndo++; //clear redo buffer for( i = 0; i < maxUndo; i++ ) buffersRedo[i] = null; cntRedo = 0; //only undo possible at the moment if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorCanUndoRedo( true, false ); } } public void setDisplayListener( BlinkenFrameDisplayListener newDisplayListener ) { exDisplayListener = newDisplayListener; } public void setDisplayInterceptor( BlinkenFrameDisplayInterceptor newDisplayInterceptor ) { exDisplayInterceptor = newDisplayInterceptor; } public void setEditorListener( BlinkenFrameEditorListener newDisplayListener ) { editorListener = newDisplayListener; if( editorListener != null ) editorListener.blinkenFrameEditorInfo( "-" ); } }