BlinkenArea - GitList
cleanup file headers after breakage caused by automatic reformatting
Stefan Schuermans
at 2011-10-23 11:41:41
/* BlinkenLib Copyright 2004-2011 Stefan Schuermans <> Copyleft GNU public license - a project */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <BlinkenLib/BlinkenLib.h> static void gen_test_movie(stBlinkenMovie **ppMovie, const char *str_format, const char *str_mode, const char *str_duration) { unsigned int height, width, channels, colors; enum { ModeNone, ModeDots, ModeLines, ModeTrans } mode = ModeNone; int duration; if (strcmp(str_mode, "dots") == 0) mode = ModeDots; if (strcmp(str_mode, "lines") == 0) mode = ModeLines; if (strcmp(str_mode, "trans") == 0) mode = ModeTrans; if (sscanf(str_format, "%ux%u-%u/%u", &width, &height, &channels, &colors) != 4) printf("invalid movie format \"%s\" for \"-t\"\n", str_format); else if (mode == ModeNone) printf("invalid test mode \"%s\" for \"-t\"\n", str_mode); else if (sscanf(str_duration, "%u", &duration) != 1) printf("invalid duration \"%s\" for \"-t\"\n", str_duration); else { if (*ppMovie != NULL) BlinkenMovieFree(*ppMovie); *ppMovie = BlinkenMovieNew(height, width, channels, colors - 1); if (*ppMovie == NULL) printf("could not create movie with format \"%ux%u-%x/%u\" for \"-t\"\n", width, height, channels, colors); else { unsigned int y, x, c, c2, c3, o, b, yy, xx, cc, oo; stBlinkenFrame *pFrame; height = BlinkenMovieGetHeight(*ppMovie); width = BlinkenMovieGetWidth(*ppMovie); channels = BlinkenMovieGetChannels(*ppMovie); colors = BlinkenMovieGetMaxval(*ppMovie) + 1; switch (mode) { case ModeNone: break; case ModeDots: for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, channels, colors - 1, duration); for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) for (cc = 0; cc < channels; cc++) BlinkenFrameSetPixel(pFrame, yy, xx, cc, yy == y && xx == x && cc == c ? colors - 1 : 0); BlinkenMovieAppendFrame(*ppMovie, pFrame); } break; case ModeLines: for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, channels, colors - 1, duration); for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) for (cc = 0; cc < channels; cc++) BlinkenFrameSetPixel(pFrame, yy, xx, cc, xx == x && cc == c ? colors - 1 : 0); BlinkenMovieAppendFrame(*ppMovie, pFrame); } for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, channels, colors - 1, duration); for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) for (cc = 0; cc < channels; cc++) BlinkenFrameSetPixel(pFrame, yy, xx, cc, yy == y && cc == c ? colors - 1 : 0); BlinkenMovieAppendFrame(*ppMovie, pFrame); } } break; case ModeTrans: for (c = 0; c < channels; c++) for (b = 0; b < 2; b++) for (c2 = 0; c2 < channels; c2++) for (o = 0; o < colors - 1; o++) { pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, channels, colors - 1, duration); for (cc = 0; cc < channels; cc++) { c3 = (cc + channels - c) % channels; oo = b ? (c3 < c2 ? 0 : c3 > c2 ? colors - 1 : colors - 1 - o) : (c3 < c2 ? colors - 1 : c3 > c2 ? 0 : o); for (yy = 0; yy < height; yy++) for (xx = 0; xx < width; xx++) BlinkenFrameSetPixel(pFrame, yy, xx, cc, oo); } BlinkenMovieAppendFrame(*ppMovie, pFrame); } break; } // switch( mode ) printf("test movie generated, using format %ux%u-%u/%u and mode %s\n", width, height, channels, colors, str_mode); } // if( *ppMovie == NULL ) ... else } // else } static void copy_rect(stBlinkenMovie *pMovie, char *str_file, const char *str_src_pos, const char *str_dim, const char *str_dest_pos) { unsigned int sy, sx, h, w, dy, dx; stBlinkenMovie *pSrcMovie; if (sscanf(str_src_pos, "%u,%u", &sx, &sy) != 2) printf("invalid source position \"%s\" for \"-C\"\n", str_src_pos); else if (sscanf(str_dim, "%ux%u", &w, &h) != 2) printf("invalid dimensions \"%s\" for \"-C\"\n", str_dim); else if (sscanf(str_dest_pos, "%u,%u", &dx, &dy) != 2) printf("invalid destination position \"%s\" for \"-C\"\n", str_dest_pos); else { pSrcMovie = BlinkenMovieLoad(str_file); if (pSrcMovie == NULL) printf("could not read movie \"%s\"\n", str_file); else { BlinkenMovieCopyRect(pMovie, dy, dx, pSrcMovie, sy, sx, h, w); BlinkenMovieFree(pSrcMovie); } } } int main(int argCnt, char **args) { stBlinkenMovie *pMovie; int i; char *str; unsigned int height, width, channels, colors, times; int mode; // print info printf("BlinkenLib - BlinkenConv\n" "version %d.%d.%d\n" "config " BLINKENLIB_CONFIG "\n" "Copyright 2004-2011 Stefan Schuermans <>\n" "Copyleft GNU public license -\n" "a project\n\n", BLINKENLIB_VERSION_MAJOR, BLINKENLIB_VERSION_MINOR, BLINKENLIB_VERSION_REVISION); // print syntax if (argCnt <= 1) { printf("syntax: %s <parameter> [...]\n\n" "parameters:\n" " -i <file>\n" " read movie from file (*.blm, *.bmm, *.bml, *.bbm)\n" " -a <file>\n" " append movie from file (*.blm, *.bmm, *.bml, *.bbm)\n" " -l <number>\n" " loop video a number of times\n" " -f\n" " output format, frame count and duration of movie\n" " -p\n" " print movie\n" " -r <width>x<height>-<channels>/<colors>\n" " resize movie\n" " -s <width>x<height>\n" " scale movie\n" " -c <channels> [solid|rainbow]\n" " colorize movie\n" " -R\n" " reverse movie\n" " -d <first> <count>\n" " delete frames\n" " -t <width>x<height>-<channels>/<colors> [dots|lines|trans] <duration>\n" " generate a test movie\n" " -C <file> <src-x>,<src-y> <width>x<height> <dest-x>,<dest-y>\n" " copy rectangular section of other movie\n" " -o <file>\n" " write movie to file (*.blm, *.bmm, *.bml, *.bbm)\n\n" "old syntax: %s <input-file> [<output-file>]\n\n", args[0], args[0]); return 0; } // no movie loaded pMovie = NULL; // process parameters for (i = 1; i < argCnt; i++) { // read movie if (strcmp(args[i], "-i") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (pMovie != NULL) BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie); pMovie = BlinkenMovieLoad(args[i]); if (pMovie == NULL) printf("could not read movie \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else printf("movie \"%s\" read\n", args[i]); } else printf("missing input filename for \"-i\"\n"); } // append movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-a") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to append to\n"); else { stBlinkenMovie *pMovie2; pMovie2 = BlinkenMovieLoad(args[i]); if (pMovie2 == NULL) printf("could not read movie \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else { if (BlinkenMovieConcat(pMovie, pMovie2) < 0) { BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie2); printf("movie read from \"%s\" could not be appended\n", args[i]); } else printf("movie \"%s\" read and appended\n", args[i]); } } } else printf("missing input filename for \"-a\"\n"); } // loop movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-l") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (sscanf(args[i], "%u", ×) != 1 || times < 1) printf("invalid number of times \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to loop\n"); else { stBlinkenMovie *pMovie2, *pMovie3; int err = 0; unsigned int t; pMovie2 = BlinkenMovieClone(pMovie); if (pMovie2 == NULL) err = 1; else { for (t = 1 /* loop one time means nothing to do */ ; t < times; t++) { pMovie3 = BlinkenMovieClone(pMovie2); if (pMovie3 == NULL) err = 1; else { if (BlinkenMovieConcat(pMovie, pMovie3) < 0) { BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie3); err = 1; } } } BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie2); } if (err) printf("could not loop movie\n"); else printf("movie looped %u times\n", times); } } else printf("missing movie format for \"-r\"\n"); } // output format, frame count and duration of movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-f") == 0) { if (pMovie == NULL) printf ("no movie loaded to output format, frame count and duration of\n"); else printf ("format: %ux%u-%u/%u\nframe count: %u\nduration: %u ms\n", BlinkenMovieGetWidth(pMovie), BlinkenMovieGetHeight(pMovie), BlinkenMovieGetChannels(pMovie), BlinkenMovieGetMaxval(pMovie) + 1, BlinkenMovieGetFrameCnt(pMovie), BlinkenMovieGetDuration(pMovie)); } // print movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-p") == 0) { if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to print\n"); else { str = BlinkenMovieToString(pMovie); if (str == NULL) printf("could not print movie\n"); else { printf("%s", str); free(str); } } } // resize movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-r") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (sscanf (args[i], "%ux%u-%u/%u", &width, &height, &channels, &colors) != 4) printf("invalid movie format \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to resize\n"); else { BlinkenMovieResize(pMovie, height, width, channels, colors - 1); printf("movie resized to %ux%u-%u/%u\n", width, height, channels, colors); } } else printf("missing movie format for \"-r\"\n"); } // scale movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-s") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (sscanf(args[i], "%ux%u", &width, &height) != 2) printf("invalid movie dimensions \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to scale\n"); else { BlinkenMovieScale(pMovie, height, width); printf("movie scaled to %ux%u\n", width, height); } } else printf("missing movie dimensions for \"-s\"\n"); } // colorize movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-c") == 0) { if (i + 2 < argCnt) { const char *str_channels, *str_mode; i++; str_channels = args[i]; i++; str_mode = args[i]; if (sscanf(str_channels, "%u", &channels) != 1) printf("invalid number of channels \"%s\"\n", str_channels); else { mode = BlinkenColorizerStr2Mode(str_mode); if (mode < 0) printf("invalid colorizing mode \"%s\"\n", str_mode); else if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to colorize\n"); else { BlinkenMovieColorize(pMovie, channels, mode); printf("movie colorized to %u channels using mode %s\n", channels, BlinkenColorizerMode2Str(mode)); } } } else if (i + 1 < argCnt) { printf("missing colorizing mode for \"-c\"\n"); i++; } else printf("missing number of channels for \"-c\"\n"); } // reverse movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-R") == 0) { if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to reverse\n"); else { BlinkenMovieReverse(pMovie); printf("movie reversed\n"); } } // delete frames else if (strcmp(args[i], "-d") == 0) { if (i + 2 < argCnt) { const char *str_first, *str_count; unsigned int first, count, c; i++; str_first = args[i]; i++; str_count = args[i]; if (sscanf(str_first, "%u", &first) != 1) printf("invalid number of first frame \"%s\"\n", str_first); else { if (sscanf(str_count, "%u", &count) != 1) printf("invalid number of frames \"%s\"\n", str_count); else if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to delete frames from\n"); else if (first + count > (unsigned int)BlinkenMovieGetFrameCnt(pMovie)) printf ("invalid frame range (%u-%u) for deletion from %u frames\n", first, first + count, (unsigned int)BlinkenMovieGetFrameCnt(pMovie)); else { for (c = 0; c < count; c++) BlinkenMovieDeleteFrame(pMovie, first); printf("deleted frames %u-%u\n", first, first + count); } } } else if (i + 1 < argCnt) { printf("missing colorizing mode for \"-c\"\n"); i++; } else printf("missing number of channels for \"-c\"\n"); } // generate test movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-t") == 0) { if (i + 3 < argCnt) { const char *str_format, *str_mode, *str_duration; i++; str_format = args[i]; i++; str_mode = args[i]; i++; str_duration = args[i]; gen_test_movie(&pMovie, str_format, str_mode, str_duration); } else if (i + 2 < argCnt) { printf("missing duration for \"-t\"\n"); i += 2; } else if (i + 1 < argCnt) { printf("missing test mode for \"-t\"\n"); i++; } else printf("missing format for \"-t\"\n"); } // copy rectangular section of other movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-C") == 0) { if (i + 4 < argCnt) { char *str_file; const char *str_src_pos, *str_dim, *str_dest_pos; i++; str_file = args[i]; i++; str_src_pos = args[i]; i++; str_dim = args[i]; i++; str_dest_pos = args[i]; copy_rect(pMovie, str_file, str_src_pos, str_dim, str_dest_pos); } else if (i + 3 < argCnt) { printf("missing destination position for \"-C\"\n"); i += 3; } else if (i + 2 < argCnt) { printf("missing dimensions for \"-C\"\n"); i += 2; } else if (i + 1 < argCnt) { printf("missing source position for \"-C\"\n"); i++; } else printf("missing file name of source movie for \"-C\"\n"); } // write movie else if (strcmp(args[i], "-o") == 0) { if (i + 1 < argCnt) { i++; if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to write to \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else if (BlinkenMovieSave(pMovie, args[i]) < 0) printf("could not write movie \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else printf("movie \"%s\" written\n", args[i]); } else printf("missing output filename for \"-o\"\n"); } // old style input filename else if (i == 1 && args[i][0] != '-') { printf("old style input filename \"%s\", better use \"-i %s\"\n", args[i], args[i]); if (pMovie != NULL) BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie); pMovie = BlinkenMovieLoad(args[i]); if (pMovie == NULL) printf("could not read movie \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else printf("movie \"%s\" read\n", args[i]); } // old style output filename else if (i == 2 && args[i][0] != '-') { printf("old style output filename \"%s\", better use \"-o %s\"\n", args[i], args[i]); if (pMovie == NULL) printf("no movie loaded to write to \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else if (BlinkenMovieSave(pMovie, args[i]) < 0) printf("could not write movie \"%s\"\n", args[i]); else printf("movie \"%s\" written\n", args[i]); } // unknown parameter else printf ("unknown parameter \"%s\", call without parameters to get help\n", args[i]); } // for( i ... // old style print if (argCnt == 2 && pMovie != NULL) { str = BlinkenMovieToString(pMovie); if (str == NULL) printf("could not print movie\n"); else { printf("%s", str); free(str); } } // free movie if (pMovie != NULL) BlinkenMovieFree(pMovie); return 0; }