Stefan Schuermans iplemented 1st part of BBM...

Stefan Schuermans authored 12 years ago

1) /* flaneth - flash and ethernet
2)    Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Stefan Schuermans <stefan@schuermans.info>
3)    Copyleft: GNU public license V2 - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
4)    a BlinkenArea project - http://www.blinkenarea.org/ */
6) #ifndef INC_app_bbm
7) #define INC_app_bbm
9) #include "dosfs.h"
11) /// internal state of BBM play application
12) typedef struct app_bbm_state {
13)   // initialize before calling init
14)   uint8_t (*sectorBuf)[SECTOR_SIZE]; ///< scratch buffer to store a sector
15)   VOLINFO *vi;                       ///< volume information structure
16)   uint8_t no;                        ///< number of BBM play application
17)   // internal stuff
Stefan Schuermans resend MCUF frame after 1s...

Stefan Schuermans authored 12 years ago

18)   char           isInit;      ///< if successfully initialized
19)   unsigned long  nextActMs;   ///< when to do next action
20)   char           haveAddr;    ///< if destination address for MCUF is known
21)   unsigned char  addr[4];     ///< destination address for MCUF packets
22)   unsigned short port;        ///< destination port for MCUF packets
23)   unsigned int   idxFile;     ///< index of file to open next
24)   char           haveFile;    ///< if a file is open
25)   FILEINFO       fi;          ///< information about open file
26)   uint16_t       height;      ///< height of current movie
27)   uint16_t       width;       ///< width of current movie
28)   uint16_t       channels;    ///< channels in current movie
29)   uint16_t       maxval;      ///< maxval of current movie
30)   uint16_t       dataSz;      ///< size of data in a frame
31)   uint16_t       thisFrameMs; /**< time the current frame has already been
32)                                    shown when next action triggers */