BlinkenArea - GitList
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Stefan Schuermans
at 2013-05-20 18:27:02
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <article xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en"> <title>DXF to NGC Converter: dxfncg</title> <sect1 xml:id="introduction"> <title>Introduction</title> <para> The DXF to NGC converter <emphasis>dxfngc</emphasis> provides a means to convert 2D technical drawings in DXF file format to G-code in NGC format used by CNC mills or routers (e.g. LinuxCNC). </para> <para> Usually, the 2D drawings in DXF format do not contain enough information for G-code creation, e.g. about which lines describe the border of a part and which lines describe holes. The diameter of the cutting tool and the depth of the cut are other examples. Therefore, dxfngc relies on a script file to control the G-code generation. This script is the input to the tool. It sets all required parameters, reads the drawing, controls generation of the G-code and finally writes the output file. </para> </sect1> <sect1 xml:id="first_example"> <title>A First Example</title> <para> To illustrate the usage of dxfngc, suppose a stencil for the <emphasis>BlinkenArea</emphasis> logo shall be cut with a CNC mill. The basic shape of the stencil is a circle. The logo is formed by two holes with a specific shape (see <xref linkend="logo_stencil"/>). </para> <figure xml:id="logo_stencil"> <title>Logo Stencil</title> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="logo_stencil.svg" format="SVG" width="30%"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> <caption>The logo stencil to be cut on the CNC mill.</caption> </figure> <sect2> <title>Creating the Drawing</title> <para> First, the 2D drawing is created with a CAD program in DXF format. The circular border is drawn on layer <parameter>border</parameter> and the two holes are drawn on layer <parameter>holes</parameter> (see <xref linkend="logo_drawing"/>). </para> <figure xml:id="logo_drawing"> <title>Logo Drawing</title> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="logo_drawing.svg" format="SVG" width="42%"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> <caption>The CAD drawing of the logo stencil on 10mm grid. Border and holes are on separate layers.</caption> </figure> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Writing the Script</title> <para> The next step is to write the dxfngc script. Such a script is shown in <xref linkend="logo_script"/>. All lines starting with a hash character (<code>#</code>) are comments. They will be ignored by dxfngc. During processing of the script, dxfngc manages three three data objects in memory: the current settings, the current drawing and the list of G-code commands. Initially, the settings are set to some reasonable defaults. The drawing and the G-code are empty. </para> <para> The first section of the example script fills the G-code list with some setup commands to configure the CNC mill. This is done using the <code>cmd</code> command. All the text folloing <code>cmd</code> is treated as a G-code command and is appended as a new command to the G-code list in memory. Afterwards, the settings for processing the drawing to G-code are configured. This includes the Z coordinates and the feed rates for moving and cutting as well as the diameter of the cutting tool. Please see the <code>set_*</code> commands in <xref linkend="commands"/> for a description of all settings. </para> <para> The <code>read_dxf</code> reads a CAD drawing in DXF format. In this example, the logo drawing shown in <xref linkend="logo_drawing"/> is read. This loads all layers of the DXF file to memory. The layers can then be processed with the cutting commands (see <code>cut_*</code> in <xref linkend="commands"/>) to produce G-code. The <code>cut_inside</code> command is used here to cut the holes. It will calculate the path of the cutting tool to be half its diameter further to the inside of the holes. This makes sure the hole has the desired size and shape after cutting - or more precise as close to it as possible with the selected cutting tool. The <code>cut_outside</code> command is used for cutting the border of the stencil. It basically works the same way, but moves the path of the cutting tool further to the outside. </para> <para> After all G-code for cutting has been created, the G-code commands for finishing (e.g. turning off the CNC-mill) are appended using <code>cmd</code> like for the setup. Finally, the G-code accumulated in memory is written to an output file useg <code>write_ngc</code>. </para> <figure xml:id="logo_script"> <title>Logo Script</title> <programlisting><![CDATA[# add setup G-code commands cmd G21 cmd G90 cmd G64 P0.01 cmd G17 cmd G40 cmd G49 # configure settings set_precision 0.01 set_tool_diameter 3 set_move_z 5 set_base_z 0 set_cut_z -3.2 set_cut_z_step 1.1 set_feed_drill 100 set_feed_mill 200 set_layer_mode path_by_path # read drawing read_dxf logo.dxf # generate G-code for actual cutting cut_inside holes cut_outside border # add finishing G-code commands cmd M2 # write G-code to output file write_ngc logo.ngc]]></programlisting> </figure> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Running the Script</title> <para> Once drawing and script are ready, the script can be run using the <code>dxfngc</code> tool. (It is assumed here it has already been compiled. See <xref linkend="compiling"/> for compiling instructions.) As the script contains the filenames of input and output files, it is sufficient to provide the filename of the script file to dxfngc: </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[./dxfngc logo.txt]]></programlisting> <para> If everything goes well, this will produce a G-code file. Otherwise an error message will be printed that informs about what went wrong. (There might also be some output like <code>dimeModel::largestHandle: 65535</code>, which is coming from inside the DXF library used internally. This output can be ignored.) <xref linkend="logo_g-code"/> shows the produced G-code rendered by LinuxCNC. </para> <figure xml:id="logo_g-code"> <title>G-code for Logo Stencil</title> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="logo_g-code.png" format="PNG" width="100%"/> </imageobject> </mediaobject> <caption>G-code for the logo stencil, rendered by LinuxCNC.</caption> </figure> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 xml:id="commands"> <title>Commands</title> <para> This section lists all commands available for use in the dxfngc scripts. For each command, it is described what it does and how it can be used. </para> <sect2> <title>cmd</title> <para> The <code>cmd <G-code></code> command append an arbitrary G-code command to the list of G-code commands in memory. It is mainly used to generate initialization G-code at the beginning and cleanup G-code at the end of a script. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>cut</title> <para> The <code>cut <layer></code> command generates G-code to cut exactly at the lines of the specified layer from the loaded drawing using the current settings. It does not compensate for the diameter of the cutting tool. However, this command is able to process arbitrary drawings, especially drawings that contain curves that are not closed and/or do not form valid polygons. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>cut_inside</title> <para> The <code>cut_inside <layer></code> command generates G-code to cut along the insides of the polygons contained in the specified layer using the current settings. It tries to compensate for the for the diameter of the cutting tool as much as geometrically possible. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>cut_outside</title> <para> The <code>cut_outside <layer></code> command generates G-code to cut along the outsides of the polygons contained in the specified layer using the current settings. It tries to compensate for the for the diameter of the cutting tool as much as geometrically possible. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>cut_pcket</title> <para> The <code>cut_pocket <layer></code> command generates G-code to cut away the inside of the polygons contained in the specified layer using the current settings. It tries to compensate for the for the diameter of the cutting tool as much as geometrically possible. The difference to the <code>cut_inside</code> command is that it does not only cut along the insides of the polygon outline. Instead it will cover the entire area of the polygon. This is useful if not cutting all the way (in Z direction) through the material, so the inner part will not fall out of the workpiece. However, this comes at the cost of a long cutting path. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>read_dxf</title> <para> The command <code>read_dxf <filename></code> discards the current drawing in memory and reads a 2D DXF drawing from the specified file. The filename may be an absolute path or a relative one. If it is relative, it is interpreted relative to the directory of the script file being processed. Whitespace and non-ASCII characters are not supported in the filename. Most basic DXF primitives are supported. Unsupported DXF primitives (e.g. like text) are silently ignored. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_base_z</title> <para> The command <code>set_base_z <z></code> sets the Z coordinate (in mm) at which cutting starts. It is ususually set to the Z coordinate of the workpiece surface. All floating point values are valid, the default is 0. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_cut_z</title> <para> The command <code>set_cut_z <z></code> sets the Z coordinate (in mm) to cut to. For example, it is set to the Z coordinate of the workpiece bottom in order to cut through the entire workpiece. All floating point values are valid, the default is 0. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_cut_z_step</title> <para> The command <code>set_cut_z <z-step></code> sets the step size in Z direction (in mm) for cutting. If the difference between base Z and cut Z coordinates are larger than the Z step size, the cut is done in multiple steps. Each step cuts at as deep as the Z step size. Only positive floating point values are valid values for this setting. The default is 0.1. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_dwell_time</title> <para> The command <code>set_dwell_time <time></code> sets the dwell time (in seconds). The CNC machine will stop moving for this time before plunging downwards into the workpiece. If the dwell time is set to zeor, no dwell command is put into the G-code. A positive values causes generation of dwell commands with this time. Negative values are not allowed. The default is no dwelling. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_feed_drill</title> <para> The command <code>set_feed_drill <feed></code> sets the feed rate (in mm per minute) for drilling into the material in Z direction. Only positive values are allowed for this setting, the default is 10. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_feed_mill</title> <para> The command <code>set_feed_mill <feed></code> sets the feed rate (in mm per minute) for milling through the material in X/Y direction. Only positive values are allowed for this setting, the default is 10. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_layer_mode</title> <para> If a layer contains multiple polygons or paths and cutting happens in multiple steps in Z direction there are two possibilities to do the cutting, which are selected via the <code>set_layer_mode <mode></code> command. The <code>level_by_level</code> mode (which is the default) will process each polygon or path at the current cutting depth before moving the the next depth (i.e. the next Z step). The <code>path_by_path</code> mode will cut each polygon or path step by step until the cut Z coordinate is reached and then move to the next polygon or path. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_move_z</title> <para> The command <code>set_move_z <z></code> sets the Z coordinate (in mm) at which movement between cuts is done. It should be set high emough to not hit any obstacles during movements. Setting it to a value too high will result in a lot of unneeded up/dowm movement between cuts. All floating point values are valid, the default is 10. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_offset_x</title> <para> The command <code>set_offset_x <x></code> sets an offset in X direction (in mm). All floating point values are valid, the default is 0, i.e. no offset. </para> <para> The coordinates from the drawing are rotated around the origin and the offsets in X and Y direction are added afterwards. The resulting coordinate is then used for G-code generation. This allows to adapt the coordinate system between the drawing and the CNC mill. The offset can also be used to cut a workpiece drawn once at multiple positions. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_offset_y</title> <para> The command <code>set_offset_y <y></code> sets an offset in X direction (in mm). All floating point values are valid, the default is 0, i.e. no offset. </para> <para> The coordinates from the drawing are rotated around the origin and the offsets in X and Y direction are added afterwards. The resulting coordinate is then used for G-code generation. This allows to adapt the coordinate system between the drawing and the CNC mill. The offset can also be used to cut a workpiece drawn once at multiple positions. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_precision</title> <para> The command <code>set_precision <precision></code> sets the precision to do all calculations with (in mm). If the distance between two coordinates is less then the precision setting, they are considered equal for G-code generation. Only positive floating point values smaller than 1 are valid, the default is 0.001. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_rotation_z</title> <para> The command <code>set_rotation_z <angle></code> sets the rotation angle around the Z axis (in degrees, counter-clockwise). All floating point values are valid, the default is 0, i.e. no rotation. </para> <para> The coordinates from the drawing are rotated around the origin and the offsets in X and Y direction are added afterwards. The resulting coordinate is then used for G-code generation. This allows to adapt the coordinate system between the drawing and the CNC mill. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>set_tool_diameter</title> <para> The command <code>set_tool_diameter <diameter></code> sets the diameter of the cutting tool (in mm). It is used in some of the <code>cut_*</code> commands. Only non-negative floating point values are valid, the default is 1. </para> <para> The dxfngc tool assumes a flat end mill is used. If a cutting tool with another shape is used in the CNC mill, please note that the diameter compensation code assumes a fixed diameter of the tool over its whole length. However, if this is kept in mind, it is also possible to use cutting tools with other shapes. </para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>write_ngc</title> <para> The command <code>write_ngc <filename></code> writes the current list of G-code commands kept in memory to the specified file. The filename may be an absolute path or a relative one. If it is relative, it is interpreted relative to the directory of the script file being processed. Whitespace and non-ASCII characters are not supported in the filename. This command is usually used at the end of the script to output the generated G-code. </para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 xml:id="compiling"> <title>Compiling</title> <para> To compile dxfngc, a C++ compiler and the following libraries have to be installed, including their development files: </para> <programlisting><![CDATA[libCGAL_Core (>= 3.6) libCGAL (>= 3.6) libdime (>= 2003-09-21)]]></programlisting> <para> To compile dxfngc, simply call <code>make</code> from the top-level directory. </para> <sect2> <title>Compiling Documentation</title> <para> To compile the dxfngc documentation, <code>docbook (>= 5.0)</code> must be installed. </para> <para> To compile the documentation, simply call <code>make</code> from the <code>doc</code> directory. </para> </sect2> </sect1> </article>