BlinkenArea - GitList
initial commit of files from bluebox project
Stefan Schuermans
at 2015-12-19 20:16:38
# example config file for bluebox distributor # version 0.2 date 2006-11-29 # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Stefan Schuermans <> # Copyleft: GNU public license V2.0 - # a BlinkenArea project - # general options # verbose mode # if enabled, every received datagram and data output to devices is reported # if enabled, errors while sending data to devices will be reported # enabling this option is a major impact on performance #verbose=no verbose=no # input-options input # listen # IP and port to listen on #listen= listen= # timeout in seconds # if no frame is received for this number of seconds the pixels are turned off #timeout=3 timeout=3 # timeout interval in seconds # if a timeout is detected the turn off commands are sent using this interval #timeout_interval=1 timeout_interval=1 # mapping-options # mapping from grayscale values to PWM values is done as follows: # PWM := ((grayscale / 255) * spread + base)[clamped to 0..1] ^ gamma * 127 mapping # base brightness # the mapping from grayscale values to PWM values is calculated based on this #base=0.0 base=0.0 # brightness spread # the mapping from grayscale values to PWM values is calculated based on this #spread=1.0 spread=1.0 # gamma correction # the mapping from grayscale values to PWM values is calculated based on this #gamma=1.0 gamma=1.0 # output-options # every frame is output as UDP packets to <dev_cnt> destination devices (e.g. BlueDataDistributors) # the data for a device consists of the data for <ser_cnt> serial ports at this device # the data for a serial port consists of a <command> byte (128..255) and the data for <pix_cnt> pixels (0..127) # the data for a pixel is a byte with the brightness of this pixel # if no datagram has been received for <timeout> seconds the <turn_off> byte is sent to the devices output # bind # IP and port to bind to #bind= bind= # IP addresses of the devices # the IP address of device <dev_no> is: ip_base + dev_no * ip_step #ip_base=10 ip_base= #ip_step= ip_step= # destination port # the UDP port the devices listen on #dest_port=2342 dest_port=2342 # number of devices # e.g. the number of BlueDataDistributors connected to the output LAN #dev_cnt=7 dev_cnt=7 # number of serial ports per device # e.g. the number of serial ports at each BlueDataDistributor #ser_cnt=32 ser_cnt=32 # number of pixels per serial port # e.g. the number of pixels connected to each serial port #pix_cnt=4 pix_cnt=4 # command byte # this command byte is prepended to the pixel values on every serial port #command=0x82 command=0x82 # turn off byte # this byte is sent to the serial ports to turn off the pixels #turn_off=0x80 turn_off=0x80 # suffix byte # this byte is appended to the pixel values and the turn off byte # e.g. to ensure that single bits are on the wire (to enable synchronization to the baudrate) #suffix=0x55 suffix=0x55 # suffix count # number of suffix bytes appended to the pixel values and the turn off byte #suffix_cnt=1 suffix_cnt=1 # format-options format # format file # contains the format of the display and the logical number of the pixels # first line must be of format "<width> <height>" # e.g. "98 7" # <height> lines with <widht> whitespace-separated pixel fields must follow # pixel fields must have the format "<dev_no>-<ser_no>-<pixel_no>" # the number must be in decimal format and my be prepended with additional '0's # e.g. "0-5-23" for the 24th pixel at the 6th serial port of the first device # pixel field may also be "-" if a pixel has to be ignored #file=bluebox.bd_fmt file=bluebox.bd_fmt