BlinkenArea - GitList
implement getting/setting pixel data
Stefan Schuermans
at 2019-05-30 18:29:21
/* BlinkenLib Copyright 2004-2014 Stefan Schuermans <> Copyleft GNU public license - a project */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <winsock2.h> #include <windows.h> typedef WORD uint16_t; typedef DWORD uint32_t; #else #include <stdint.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #endif #include <BlinkenLib/BlinkenColorizer.h> #include <BlinkenLib/BlinkenFrame.h> #include "BlinkenConstants.h" #include "BlinkenProtoIntern.h" #include "Tools.h" struct sBlinkenFrame { int height; int width; int channels; int maxval; int duration; unsigned char **ppData; }; stBlinkenFrame *BlinkenFrameNew(int height, int width, int channels, int maxval, int duration) { stBlinkenFrame *pFrame; if (height < BlinkenHeightMin) height = BlinkenHeightMin; if (height > BlinkenHeightMax) height = BlinkenHeightMax; if (width < BlinkenWidthMin) width = BlinkenWidthMin; if (width > BlinkenWidthMax) width = BlinkenWidthMax; if (channels < BlinkenChannelsMin) channels = BlinkenChannelsMin; if (channels > BlinkenChannelsMax) channels = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (maxval < BlinkenMaxvalMin) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMin; if (maxval > BlinkenMaxvalMax) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (duration < BlinkenDurationMin) duration = BlinkenDurationMin; if (duration > BlinkenDurationMax) duration = BlinkenDurationMax; pFrame = (stBlinkenFrame *) malloc(sizeof(stBlinkenFrame)); if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; pFrame->channels = channels; pFrame->maxval = maxval; pFrame->duration = duration; pFrame->ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (pFrame->ppData == NULL) { free(pFrame); return NULL; } return pFrame; } stBlinkenFrame *BlinkenFrameClone(stBlinkenFrame *pSrcFrame) { int y, x, c, i; stBlinkenFrame *pFrame; if (pSrcFrame == NULL) return NULL; pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(pSrcFrame->height, pSrcFrame->width, pSrcFrame->channels, pSrcFrame->maxval, pSrcFrame->duration); if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) pFrame->ppData[y][i] = pSrcFrame->ppData[y][i]; return pFrame; } void BlinkenFrameFree(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return; free(pFrame->ppData); free(pFrame); } void BlinkenFrameClear(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int y, x, c, i; if (pFrame == NULL) return; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) pFrame->ppData[y][i] = 0; } int BlinkenFrameGetHeight(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; return pFrame->height; } int BlinkenFrameGetWidth(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; return pFrame->width; } int BlinkenFrameGetChannels(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; return pFrame->channels; } int BlinkenFrameGetMaxval(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; return pFrame->maxval; } int BlinkenFrameGetDuration(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; return pFrame->duration; } void BlinkenFrameSetDuration(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int duration) { if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (duration < BlinkenDurationMin) duration = BlinkenDurationMin; if (duration > BlinkenDurationMax) duration = BlinkenDurationMax; pFrame->duration = duration; } unsigned char BlinkenFrameGetPixel(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int y, int x, int c) { if (pFrame == NULL || y < 0 || y >= pFrame->height || x < 0 || x >= pFrame->width || c < 0 || c >= pFrame->channels) return 0; return pFrame->ppData[y][x * pFrame->channels + c]; } void BlinkenFrameSetPixel(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int y, int x, int c, unsigned char val) { if (pFrame == NULL || y < 0 || y >= pFrame->height || x < 0 || x >= pFrame->width || c < 0 || c >= pFrame->channels) return; if (val > pFrame->maxval) val = pFrame->maxval; pFrame->ppData[y][x * pFrame->channels + c] = val; } unsigned long BlinkenFrameGetColor(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int y, int x) { int i; if (pFrame == NULL || y < 0 || y >= pFrame->height || x < 0 || x >= pFrame->width) return 0; i = x * pFrame->channels; if (pFrame->channels == 1) return (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame-> maxval) << 16 | (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval) << 8 | (((unsigned long) pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval); if (pFrame->channels == 2) return (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame-> maxval) << 16 | (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 1] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval) << 8; return (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval) << 16 | (((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 1] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval) << 8 | (((unsigned long) pFrame->ppData[y] [i + 2] * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval); } void BlinkenFrameSetColor(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int y, int x, unsigned long color) { int i, alpha, alpha_, c; if (pFrame == NULL || y < 0 || y >= pFrame->height || x < 0 || x >= pFrame->width) return; i = x * pFrame->channels; alpha = (color >> 24) & 0xFF; alpha_ = 255 - alpha; if (pFrame->channels >= 1) pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] = (unsigned char)((((((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * pFrame->maxval + 127) / 255) * alpha + (unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 0] * alpha_) / 255); if (pFrame->channels >= 2) pFrame->ppData[y][i + 1] = (unsigned char)((((((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * pFrame->maxval + 127) / 255) * alpha + (unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 1] * alpha_) / 255); if (pFrame->channels >= 3) pFrame->ppData[y][i + 2] = (unsigned char)(((((color & 0xFF) * pFrame->maxval + 127) / 255) * alpha + (unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[y][i + 2] * alpha_) / 255); for (c = 3; c < pFrame->channels; c++) pFrame->ppData[y][i + c] = (unsigned char)((0 + (unsigned long) pFrame->ppData[y][i + c] * alpha_) / 255); } void BlinkenFrameGetPixelData(stBlinkenFrame const *pFrame, int y, int dy, int x, int dx, int c, int dc, unsigned char *pData) { int height, width, channels; unsigned char const **ppFrameData; int sy, ey, iy, sx, ex, ix, sc, ec, ic; // start/end/index x/y/channel int fy, fix, fic; // indexes into frame data int biy, bix, bic; // index into caller's data buffer // no frame -> leave if (pFrame == NULL) { return; } height = pFrame->height; width = pFrame->width; channels = pFrame->channels; ppFrameData = (unsigned char const **)pFrame->ppData; // compute start and end for each coordinate sy = y < 0 ? -y : 0; ey = y + dy > height ? height - y : dy; sx = x < 0 ? -x : 0; ex = x + dx > width ? width - x : dx; sc = c < 0 ? -c : 0; ec = c + dc > channels ? channels - c : dc; // get pixel data for (iy = sy, fy = y, biy = (sy * dx + sx) * dc + sc; iy < ey; ++iy, ++fy, biy += dx * dc) { for (ix = sx, fix = x * channels + c, bix = biy; ix < ex; ++ix, fix += channels, bix += dc) { for (ic = sc, fic = fix, bic = bix; ic < ec; ++ic, ++fic, ++bic) { pData[bic] = ppFrameData[fy][fic]; } } } } void BlinkenFrameSetPixelData(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int y, int dy, int x, int dx, int c, int dc, unsigned char const *pData) { int height, width, channels; unsigned char maxval; unsigned char **ppFrameData; int sy, ey, iy, sx, ex, ix, sc, ec, ic; // start/end/index x/y/channel int fy, fix, fic; // indexes into frame data int biy, bix, bic; // index into caller's data buffer unsigned char value; // no frame -> leave if (pFrame == NULL) { return; } height = pFrame->height; width = pFrame->width; channels = pFrame->channels; maxval = pFrame->maxval; ppFrameData = pFrame->ppData; // compute start and end for each coordinate sy = y < 0 ? -y : 0; ey = y + dy > height ? height - y : dy; sx = x < 0 ? -x : 0; ex = x + dx > width ? width - x : dx; sc = c < 0 ? -c : 0; ec = c + dc > channels ? channels - c : dc; // set pixel data for (iy = sy, fy = y, biy = (sy * dx + sx) * dc + sc; iy < ey; ++iy, ++fy, biy += dx * dc) { for (ix = sx, fix = x * channels + c, bix = biy; ix < ex; ++ix, fix += channels, bix += dc) { for (ic = sc, fic = fix, bic = bix; ic < ec; ++ic, ++fic, ++bic) { value = pData[bic]; ppFrameData[fy][fic] = value > maxval ? maxval : value; } } } } int BlinkenFrameIsEmpty(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) // returns 1 if frame is empty (i.e. black), returns 0 otherwise { int y, x, c, i; if (pFrame == NULL) return 0; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) { for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) { if (pFrame->ppData[y][i] != 0) break; // pixel is not black -> abort } if (c < pFrame->channels) break; } if (x < pFrame->width) break; } if (y < pFrame->height) return 0; // aborted somewhere -> at least ony pixel is not black else return 1; // not aborted -> all pixels are black } int BlinkenFrameCompare(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame1, stBlinkenFrame *pFrame2) // returns -1 for frame1 smaller, 0 for equal, 1 for frame2 smaller { int y, cmp; if (pFrame1->height < pFrame2->height) return -1; if (pFrame1->height > pFrame2->height) return 1; if (pFrame1->width < pFrame2->width) return -1; if (pFrame1->width > pFrame2->width) return 1; if (pFrame1->channels < pFrame2->channels) return -1; if (pFrame1->channels > pFrame2->channels) return 1; if (pFrame1->maxval < pFrame2->maxval) return -1; if (pFrame1->maxval > pFrame2->maxval) return 1; for (y = 0; y < pFrame1->height; y++) { cmp = memcmp(pFrame1->ppData[y], pFrame2->ppData[y], pFrame1->width * pFrame2->channels); if (cmp != 0) return cmp; } return 0; } static void BlinkenFramePadCrop(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int height, int width, int channels, int maxval, int emptyY, int emptyX, int skipY, int skipX) { unsigned char **ppData; int y, x, c, i, j; int rangeY, rangeX; unsigned long val, div; if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (height < BlinkenHeightMin) height = BlinkenHeightMin; if (height > BlinkenHeightMax) height = BlinkenHeightMax; if (width < BlinkenWidthMin) width = BlinkenWidthMin; if (width > BlinkenWidthMax) width = BlinkenWidthMax; if (channels < BlinkenChannelsMin) channels = BlinkenChannelsMin; if (channels > BlinkenChannelsMax) channels = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (maxval < BlinkenMaxvalMin) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMin; if (maxval > BlinkenMaxvalMax) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (height == pFrame->height && width == pFrame->width && channels == pFrame->channels && maxval == pFrame->maxval && emptyX == 0 && emptyY == 0 && skipY == 0 && skipX == 0) return; // allocate new data array ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++) ppData[y][i] = 0; // sanitize number of pixels to skip / to leave empty in X and Y direction if (emptyY < 0) emptyY = 0; if (emptyY > height) emptyY = height; if (emptyX < 0) emptyX = 0; if (emptyX > width) emptyX = width; if (skipY < 0) skipY = 0; if (skipY > pFrame->height) skipY = pFrame->height; if (skipX < 0) skipX = 0; if (skipX > pFrame->width) skipX = pFrame->width; rangeY = mini(height - emptyY, pFrame->height - skipY); rangeX = mini(width - emptyX, pFrame->width - skipX); // pad/crop frame with help of calculated parameters for (y = 0; y < rangeY; y++) { for (x = 0; x < rangeX; x++) { i = (skipX + x) * pFrame->channels; j = (emptyX + x) * channels; if (channels >= pFrame->channels) // add channels: copy last channel // into new channels { for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++, j++) ppData[emptyY + y][j] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[skipY + y][i] * maxval + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval); for (; c < channels; c++, j++) ppData[emptyY + y][j] = ppData[emptyY + y][j - 1]; } else // remove channels: merge leftover channels with last kept // channel { val = 0; for (c = 0; c < channels - 1; c++, i++, j++) ppData[emptyY + y][j] = (unsigned char)(((unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[skipY + y][i] * maxval + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval); for (c = channels - 1; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) val += (unsigned long)pFrame->ppData[skipY + y][i]; div = pFrame->maxval * (pFrame->channels - channels + 1); ppData[emptyY + y][j++] = (unsigned char)((val * maxval + div / 2) / div); } } } pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; pFrame->channels = channels; pFrame->maxval = maxval; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameResize(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int height, int width, int channels, int maxval) { int emptyY, emptyX, skipY, skipX; if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (height < BlinkenHeightMin) height = BlinkenHeightMin; if (height > BlinkenHeightMax) height = BlinkenHeightMax; if (width < BlinkenWidthMin) width = BlinkenWidthMin; if (width > BlinkenWidthMax) width = BlinkenWidthMax; if (channels < BlinkenChannelsMin) channels = BlinkenChannelsMin; if (channels > BlinkenChannelsMax) channels = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (maxval < BlinkenMaxvalMin) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMin; if (maxval > BlinkenMaxvalMax) maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMax; if (height == pFrame->height && width == pFrame->width && channels == pFrame->channels && maxval == pFrame->maxval) return; // get number of pixels to skip / to leave empty in X and Y direction if (height > pFrame->height) { emptyY = (height - pFrame->height) / 2; skipY = 0; } else { emptyY = 0; skipY = (pFrame->height - height) / 2; } if (width > pFrame->width) { emptyX = (width - pFrame->width) / 2; skipX = 0; } else { emptyX = 0; skipX = (pFrame->width - width) / 2; } // resize frame with help of calculated parameters BlinkenFramePadCrop(pFrame, height, width, channels, maxval, emptyY, emptyX, skipY, skipX); } void BlinkenFrameCrop(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int top, int left, int height, int width) { if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (top < 0) top = 0; if (top > pFrame->height - BlinkenHeightMin) top = pFrame->height - BlinkenHeightMin; if (height < BlinkenHeightMin) height = BlinkenHeightMin; if (height > pFrame->height - top) height = pFrame->height - top; if (left < 0) left = 0; if (left > pFrame->width - BlinkenWidthMin) left = pFrame->width - BlinkenWidthMin; if (width < BlinkenWidthMin) width = BlinkenWidthMin; if (width > pFrame->width - left) width = pFrame->width - left; if (top == 0 && left == 0 && height == pFrame->height && width == pFrame->width) return; // crop frame with help of calculated parameters BlinkenFramePadCrop(pFrame, height, width, pFrame->channels, pFrame->maxval, 0, 0, top, left); } void BlinkenFrameScale(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int height, int width) { unsigned char **ppData; double scaleHor, scaleVer, ox, oy, ox1, oy1, val; int chans, c, nx, ny, x, y, oxi, oyi, ox1i, oy1i; if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (height < BlinkenHeightMin) height = BlinkenHeightMin; if (height > BlinkenHeightMax) height = BlinkenHeightMax; if (width < BlinkenWidthMin) width = BlinkenWidthMin; if (width > BlinkenWidthMax) width = BlinkenWidthMax; if (height == pFrame->height && width == pFrame->width) return; scaleHor = (double)width / (double)pFrame->width; scaleVer = (double)height / (double)pFrame->height; // allocate new data array ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * pFrame->channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; // scale every channel chans = pFrame->channels; for (c = 0; c < chans; c++) { for (ny = 0; ny < height; ny++) { for (nx = 0; nx < width; nx++) { oy = (double)ny / scaleVer; // sub-pixel exact range in old // picture ox = (double)nx / scaleHor; oy1 = (double)(ny + 1) / scaleVer - 0.000001; ox1 = (double)(nx + 1) / scaleHor - 0.000001; if (oy < 0 || ox < 0 || oy1 >= pFrame->height || ox1 >= pFrame->width) // out of old picture ppData[ny][nx * chans + c] = 0; else { oyi = (int)oy; oxi = (int)ox; oy1i = (int)oy1; ox1i = (int)ox1; if (oyi == oy1i) { if (oxi == ox1i) // one source pixel { val = (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][oxi * chans + c]; } else // one line of source pixels { val = (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][oxi * chans + c] * (1 - ox + oxi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][ox1i * chans + c] * (ox1 - ox1i); for (x = oxi + 1; x < ox1i; x++) val += (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][x * chans + c]; val /= ox1 - ox; } } else // one column of source pixels { if (oxi == ox1i) { val = (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][oxi * chans + c] * (1 - oy + oyi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oy1i][oxi * chans + c] * (oy1 - oy1i); for (y = oyi + 1; y < oy1i; y++) val += (double)pFrame->ppData[y][oxi * chans + c]; val /= oy1 - oy; } else // rectangle of source pixels { val = (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][oxi * chans + c] * (1 - oy + oyi) * (1 - ox + oxi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][ox1i * chans + c] * (1 - oy + oyi) * (ox1 - ox1i) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oy1i][oxi * chans + c] * (oy1 - oy1i) * (1 - ox + oxi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oy1i][ox1i * chans + c] * (oy1 - oy1i) * (ox1 - ox1i); for (y = oyi + 1; y < oy1i; y++) { val += (double)pFrame->ppData[y][oxi * chans + c] * (1 - ox + oxi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[y][ox1i * chans + c] * (ox1 - ox1i); } for (x = oxi + 1; x < ox1i; x++) { val += (double)pFrame->ppData[oyi][x * chans + c] * (1 - oy + oyi) + (double)pFrame->ppData[oy1i][x * chans + c] * (oy1 - oy1i); } for (y = oyi + 1; y < oy1i; y++) for (x = oxi + 1; x < ox1i; x++) val += (double)pFrame->ppData[y][x * chans + c]; val /= (oy1 - oy) * (ox1 - ox); } } ppData[ny][nx * chans + c] = (unsigned char)(val + 0.5); } } // for( nx ... } // for( ny ... } // for( c ... pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameColorize(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, int channels, int mode, int step) { unsigned char **ppData; int y, x, c, i, j; unsigned int val; if (pFrame == NULL) return; if (channels < BlinkenChannelsMin) channels = BlinkenChannelsMin; if (channels > BlinkenChannelsMax) channels = BlinkenMaxvalMax; // allocate new data array ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(pFrame->height, pFrame->width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++) ppData[y][i] = 0; // colorize frame for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) { i = x * pFrame->channels; // merge channels val = 0; for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) val += pFrame->ppData[y][i]; val = (val + pFrame->channels / 2) / pFrame->channels; val = (val * BlinkenMaxvalMax + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval; // colorize j = x * channels; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, j++) { int color = BlinkenColorizerGetColor(channels, mode, step, y, x, c); ppData[y][j] = (unsigned char)((val * color + 127) / 255); } } } pFrame->channels = channels; pFrame->maxval = BlinkenMaxvalMax; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameCopyRect(stBlinkenFrame *pDest, int destY, int destX, stBlinkenFrame *pSrc, int srcY, int srcX, int height, int width) { int bFreeSrc = 0; int destI, srcI, y, x, c, dy, sy, di, si; if (pDest == NULL || pSrc == NULL) return; // make sure source frame matches dest frame in channels and maxval if (pSrc->channels != pDest->channels || pSrc->maxval != pDest->maxval) { pSrc = BlinkenFrameClone(pSrc); if (pSrc == NULL) return; BlinkenFrameResize(pSrc, pSrc->height, pSrc->width, pDest->channels, pDest->maxval); bFreeSrc = 1; // source is now a temporary copy that needs to be freed } // correct coordinates if (destY < 0) { height += destY; srcY -= destY; destY = 0; } if (destX < 0) { width += destX; srcX -= destX; destX = 0; } if (srcY < 0) { height += srcY; destY -= srcY; srcY = 0; } if (srcX < 0) { width += srcX; destX -= srcX; srcX = 0; } if (height > pDest->height - destY) height = pDest->height - destY; if (width > pDest->width - destX) width = pDest->width - destX; if (height > pSrc->height - srcY) height = pSrc->height - srcY; if (width > pSrc->width - srcX) width = pSrc->width - srcX; if (height < 0) height = 0; if (width < 0) width = 0; // copy rectangular area destI = destX * pDest->channels; srcI = srcX * pSrc->channels; for (y = 0, dy = destY, sy = srcY; y < height; y++, dy++, sy++) for (x = 0, di = destI, si = srcI; x < width; x++) for (c = 0; c < pDest->channels; c++, di++, si++) pDest->ppData[dy][di] = pSrc->ppData[sy][si]; // free source if it is a temporary copy if (bFreeSrc) BlinkenFrameFree(pSrc); } void BlinkenFrameRotateCw(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int height, width, channels, y, x, c, i, j; unsigned char **ppData; if (pFrame == NULL) return; // allocate new data array height = pFrame->width; width = pFrame->height; channels = pFrame->channels; ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; // rotate for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) { j = y * channels; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++, j++) ppData[y][i] = pFrame->ppData[width - 1 - x][j]; } } // use new data array pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameRotateCcw(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int height, width, channels, y, x, c, i, j; unsigned char **ppData; if (pFrame == NULL) return; // allocate new data array height = pFrame->width; width = pFrame->height; channels = pFrame->channels; ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; // rotate for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) { j = (height - 1 - y) * channels; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++, j++) ppData[y][i] = pFrame->ppData[x][j]; } } // use new data array pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameRotateHalf(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int y1, y2, x1, x2, c, i1, i2; if (pFrame == NULL) return; for (y1 = 0, y2 = pFrame->height - 1 ; y1 < pFrame->height; y1++, y2--) { for (x1 = 0, x2 = pFrame->width - 1, i1 = 0, i2 = (pFrame->width - 1) * pFrame->channels; x1 < pFrame->width / 2; x1++, x2--, i2 -= 2 * pFrame->channels) { for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i1++, i2++) { unsigned char tmp = pFrame->ppData[y1][i1]; pFrame->ppData[y1][i1] = pFrame->ppData[y2][i2]; pFrame->ppData[y2][i2] = tmp; } } } } void BlinkenFrameMirrorHor(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int y, x1, x2, c, i1, i2; if (pFrame == NULL) return; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x1 = 0, x2 = pFrame->width - 1, i1 = 0, i2 = (pFrame->width - 1) * pFrame->channels; x1 < pFrame->width / 2; x1++, x2--, i2 -= 2 * pFrame->channels) { for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i1++, i2++) { unsigned char tmp = pFrame->ppData[y][i1]; pFrame->ppData[y][i1] = pFrame->ppData[y][i2]; pFrame->ppData[y][i2] = tmp; } } } } void BlinkenFrameMirrorVer(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int y1, y2, x, c, i; if (pFrame == NULL) return; for (y1 = 0, y2 = pFrame->height - 1; y1 < pFrame->height / 2; y1++, y2--) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) { for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) { unsigned char tmp = pFrame->ppData[y1][i]; pFrame->ppData[y1][i] = pFrame->ppData[y2][i]; pFrame->ppData[y2][i] = tmp; } } } } void BlinkenFrameMirrorDiag(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int height, width, channels, y, x, c, i, j; unsigned char **ppData; if (pFrame == NULL) return; // allocate new data array height = pFrame->width; width = pFrame->height; channels = pFrame->channels; ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; // mirror for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) { j = y * channels; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++, j++) ppData[y][i] = pFrame->ppData[x][j]; } } // use new data array pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } void BlinkenFrameMirrorDiag2(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int height, width, channels, y, x, c, i, j; unsigned char **ppData; if (pFrame == NULL) return; // allocate new data array height = pFrame->width; width = pFrame->height; channels = pFrame->channels; ppData = (unsigned char **)BlinkenMalloc2D(height, width * channels, sizeof(unsigned char)); if (ppData == NULL) return; // mirror for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < width; x++) { j = (height - 1 - y) * channels; for (c = 0; c < channels; c++, i++, j++) ppData[y][i] = pFrame->ppData[width - 1 - x][j]; } } // use new data array pFrame->height = height; pFrame->width = width; free(pFrame->ppData); pFrame->ppData = ppData; } char *BlinkenFrameToString(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame) { int size, y, x, c, i; char *str, *ptr; unsigned long val; if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; size = pFrame->height * (pFrame->width + 1) + 32; str = (char *)malloc(size); if (str == NULL) return NULL; ptr = str; for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x = 0, i = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) { val = 0; for (val = 0, c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++) val += pFrame->ppData[y][i]; val = val * 7 / pFrame->maxval / pFrame->channels; *ptr = " -+*%#&@"[val]; ptr++; } *ptr = '\n'; ptr++; } sprintf(ptr, "%u ms\n", pFrame->duration); return str; } int BlinkenFrameToNetwork(stBlinkenFrame *pFrame, etBlinkenProto proto, char *pData, int maxLength) // returns length or -1 on error { int y, x, c, i, j, val; if (pFrame == NULL) return -1; switch (proto) { case BlinkenProtoNone: return 0; case BlinkenProtoBlp: // buffer too short if (maxLength < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr) + pFrame->height * pFrame->width) return -1; // build header ((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->magic = htonl(BlinkenProtoBlpMagic); ((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->frameNo = htonl(0); ((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->width = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->width); ((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->height = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->height); i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr); // put data into packet for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x = 0, j = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++, i++) { val = 0; for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, j++) val += pFrame->ppData[y][j]; pData[i] = (val >= pFrame->channels * (pFrame->maxval + 1) / 2 ? 0x01 : 0x00); } } return i; // return length case BlinkenProtoEblp: // buffer too short if (maxLength < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr) + pFrame->height * pFrame->width) return -1; // build header ((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->magic = htonl(BlinkenProtoEblpMagic); ((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->frameNo = htonl(0); ((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->width = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->width); ((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->height = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->height); i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr); // put data into packet for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) { for (x = 0, j = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++, i++) { val = 0; for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, j++) val += pFrame->ppData[y][j]; val /= pFrame->channels; pData[i] = (pFrame->maxval == 255 ? (unsigned char)val : (unsigned char)((val * 255 + pFrame->maxval / 2) / pFrame->maxval)); } } return i; // return length case BlinkenProtoMcuf: // buffer too short if (maxLength < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr) + pFrame->height * pFrame->width * pFrame->channels) return -1; // build header ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->magic = htonl(BlinkenProtoMcufMagic); ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->height = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->height); ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->width = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->width); ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->channels = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->channels); ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->maxval = htons((uint16_t) pFrame->maxval); i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr); // put data into packet for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0, j = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++, j++) pData[i] = pFrame->ppData[y][j]; return i; // return length default: return -1; } } stBlinkenFrame *BlinkenFrameFromNetwork(const char *pData, int length, etBlinkenProto * pProto) // returns protocol in *pProto if pProto not NULL { stBlinkenFrame *pFrame; int height, width, channels, maxval, y, x, c, i, j; if (length >= (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr) && ((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->magic == htonl(BlinkenProtoBlpMagic)) { if (pProto != NULL) // return protocol *pProto = BlinkenProtoBlp; // get header data height = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->height); width = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr *) pData)->width); // check length of packet if (length < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr) + height * width) return NULL; // check header data if (height < BlinkenHeightMin || height > BlinkenHeightMax || width < BlinkenWidthMin || width > BlinkenWidthMax) return NULL; pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, 1, 1, 0); // create frame // according to // header data if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoBlpHdr); // put data into frame for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++, i++) pFrame->ppData[y][x] = pData[i] ? 0x01 : 0x00; return pFrame; } if (length >= (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr) && ((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->magic == htonl(BlinkenProtoEblpMagic)) { if (pProto != NULL) // return protocol *pProto = BlinkenProtoEblp; // get header data height = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->height); width = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr *) pData)->width); // check length of packet if (length < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr) + width * height) return NULL; // check header data if (height < BlinkenHeightMin || height > BlinkenHeightMax || width < BlinkenWidthMin || width > BlinkenWidthMax) return NULL; pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, 1, 255, 0); // create frame // according to // header data if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoEblpHdr); // put data into frame for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++, i++) pFrame->ppData[y][x] = pData[i]; return pFrame; } if (length >= (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr) && ((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->magic == htonl(BlinkenProtoMcufMagic)) { if (pProto != NULL) // return protocol *pProto = BlinkenProtoMcuf; // get header data height = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->height); width = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->width); channels = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->channels); maxval = ntohs(((stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr *) pData)->maxval); // check length of packet if (length < (int)sizeof(stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr) + height * width * channels) return NULL; // check header data if (height < BlinkenHeightMin || height > BlinkenHeightMax || width < BlinkenWidthMin || width > BlinkenWidthMax || channels < BlinkenChannelsMin || channels > BlinkenChannelsMax || maxval < BlinkenMaxvalMin || maxval > BlinkenMaxvalMax) return NULL; // create frame according to header data pFrame = BlinkenFrameNew(height, width, channels, maxval, 0); if (pFrame == NULL) return NULL; i = sizeof(stBlinkenProtoMcufHdr); // put data into frame for (y = 0; y < pFrame->height; y++) for (x = 0, j = 0; x < pFrame->width; x++) for (c = 0; c < pFrame->channels; c++, i++, j++) pFrame->ppData[y][j] = pData[i]; return pFrame; } if (pProto != NULL) // return protocol *pProto = BlinkenProtoNone; return NULL; }