Stefan Schuermans
initial commit of files from bluebox project
Stefan Schuermans commited fd252ce at 2015-12-19 20:16:38
1.1.1 2008-02-16
added pull-up resistor to button (suppress noise on processor input)
1.1 2007-04-10
increased drill width of TO220
increased case size and drill width of foil capacitor
1.0 2006-09-30
replaced 630V foil capacitor with pulse-proof version
changed origin of SOT23 components to center
0.5 2006-09-23
replaced 400V components with 600V components (coil supercharges capacitor)
replaced 400V foil capacitor with 630V capacitor
replaced IRF740 with IRFBC40
0.4 2006-09-03
completed PCB
added PE contacts for casing
corrected orientation of lamp connectors
0.3 2006-09-02
fixed VDD5, VDD12
added VDD12 to FET driver CMOS chips
added data for missing parts
removed heatsinks (not needed: diodes T+45K, FETs T+20K)
started to create PCB
replaced some components to match footprint in PCB
0.2 2006-08-27
bigger transformer
rectifiers: more power, added heatsinks
added status LED
added debug connector
some minor improvements
0.1 2006-08-24
first version