<html><head><title>Blinker - Operator Connection Splitter</title></head><body><h1>Blinker - Operator Connection Splitter</h1><p>The operator connection splitter is a module to accept operatorconnections and allow the operator to select one of severalmodules to connect to by dialing a further number of the form<code>*12345678#</code>.When the called module closes the connection, the operatoris connected to the splitter again and can select the nextmodule to connect to.The empty number <code>*#</code> closes the incoming connection.</p><h2>Configuration</h2><p>The configuration of the operator connection splitter modulewith name <code>NAME</code> is located in the<code>opsplitters/NAME</code> subdirectory.</p><h3>Sound File</h3><p>While an operator is connected to the splitter module (e.g. viaa phone connection), a sound file can be requested to be played.(In case of the phone connection, this file is located on thephone server.)The name of the sound to request is contained in the file<code>sound</code>.If this file does not exists, no sound is requested to be played.</p><h3>Maximum Number of Connections</h3><p>The maximum number of simultaneous connections can be limitedby writing the limit to the file <code>maxconn</code>.If this file does not exists, the number of simultaneous connectionsis not limited.</p><h3>Single Mode</h3><p>In single mode, the operator connection splitter module makes sure thatall outgoing connections go to the same target module (.The first connection works as usual.Additional connections are directly forwarded to the module chosenby the first connection.If no module has been selected by the first connection, no furtherincoming connections are accepted.<br>Single mode can be enabled by writing <code>true</code> to the file<code>single</code>.