<html><head><title>Blinker - UDPv6 Phone Connector</title></head><body><h1>Blinker - UDPv6 Phone Connector</h1><p>The UDPv6 phone connector module provides an interface between anexternal phone interface (using EBIP protocol) and the internaloperator connections.The calls coming in over EBIP, can be accepted depedning on thecalled number and forwarded to different modules over operatorconnections.</p><h2>Configuration</h2><p>The configuration of the UDPv6 phone connector module with name<code>NAME</code> is located in the <code>udp4phones/NAME</code>subdirectory.</p><h3>Bind Address</h3><p>The file <code>bind</code> contains the local address to bind to.It must contain the IP address and the port, i.e. a string<code><IP>:<port></code> (hostnames are not supported).If the local address should be determined automatically, the filecan contain <code>[::]:0</code>.</p><h3>Server Address</h3><p>The file <code>server</code> contains the address of the EBIP serveras a string <code><IP>:<port></code>(hostnames are not supported).<br>The phone connector module will register with this server andaccept incoming calls.</p><h3>Extensions / Phone Numbers</h3><p>The virtual extensions (i.e. phone numbers) that can be called via EBIPare configured in the subdirectory <code>extensions</code>.<br>Each extension is configured in its own subdirectory.E.g. the configuration for the extension with the phone number<code>12345678</code> resides in the subdirectory<code>extensions/12345678</code>.</p><p>The configuration inside an extension consists of the followingsettings:</p>