Stefan Schuermans documentation for operator...

Stefan Schuermans authored 12 years ago

1) <html>
2)   <head>
3)     <title>Blinker - Operator Connection Printer</title>
4)   </head>
5)   <body>
6)     <h1>Blinker - Operator Connection Printer</h1>
7)     <p>
8)       The operator connection printer module is primary intended for debugging
9)       purposes.
10)       It accepts all incoming operator connections and prints events received
11)       to standard output.
Stefan Schuermans OpPrinter: play sound on co...

Stefan Schuermans authored 12 years ago

12)       It also replies with a sound play request on connection and in
13)       response to the key events <code>7</code> and <code>9</code>.
14)       Key event <code>#</code> closes the connection.