Stefan Schuermans implemented priority based...

Stefan Schuermans authored 13 years ago

1) <html>
2)   <head>
3)     <title>Blinker - Priority</title>
4)   </head>
5)   <body>
6)     <h1>Blinker - Priority</h1>
7)     <p>
8)       The priority module is used to select one of several streams.
9)       The selection is done on a priority basis.
10)       Among all streams providing a frame, the one with the highest priority
11)       is chosen.
12)     </p>
13)     <h2>Configuration</h2>
14)     <p>
15)       The configuration of the priority module with name <code>NAME</code>
Stefan Schuermans fix priority doc

Stefan Schuermans authored 6 years ago

16)       is located in the <code>priorities/NAME</code> subdirectory.