0.7.1 2011-11-19
added missing status output for BlinkenConv -C
0.7.0 2011-11-15
added support for creating/detecting blinken protocol control frames
0.6.9 2011-11-14
fixed threshold in BLP network packet generation
0.6.8 2011-10-22
adpations for usage in C++ code
0.6.7 2011-10-16
added copying rectangular section to BlinkenConv
added CopyRect to BlinkenFrame and Movie
changed indenting to be more "standard"
changed version info config to be in just one file
0.6.6 2011-09-10
some Makefile fixes for MAC OS X
removed version information from source files (not needed 'cause of git)
made version available in headers
0.6.5 2011-04-26
fixed loading looped MNG files
0.6.4 2010-12-13
automatic version update and packaging from top-level makefile
new test movie mode "trans" for color transitions
function for concatenating movies
new actions "append", "loop", "reverse" and "delete" for BlinkenConv
0.6.3 2009-12-20
fixed output of movie format in BlinkenConv print
0.6.2 2009-02-23
added OS X support (patch by Manfred Wuits <manfred@werkzeugH.at>)
0.6.1 2008-07-22
added test movie generation to BlinkenConv