Stefan Schuermans add ZSH support to "exports"

Stefan Schuermans authored 3 years ago

1) if [[ -v BASH_VERSION ]]
Stefan Schuermans python3 module, exports, up...

Stefan Schuermans authored 3 years ago

2) then
Stefan Schuermans add ZSH support to "exports"

Stefan Schuermans authored 3 years ago

3)   export UPT_HOME="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")"
4) elif [[ -v ZSH_VERSION ]]
5) then
6)   export UPT_HOME="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${(%):-%x}")")"
7) else
8)   echo "Unsupported shell, only bash and zsh are supported." >&2