fixed srl instruction (no sign extension!)
Stefan Schuermans

Stefan Schuermans commited on 2012-04-05 21:32:02
Showing 1 changed files, with 1 additions and 1 deletions.

... ...
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ BEGIN
59 59
             WHEN alu_sub => o_res <= std_logic_vector(v_op1_s - v_op2_s);
60 60
             WHEN alu_sll => s_shift_arith <= '0'; s_shift_left <= '1'; o_res <= s_shift_out;
61 61
             WHEN alu_sra => s_shift_arith <= '1'; s_shift_left <= '0'; o_res <= s_shift_out;
-            WHEN alu_srl => s_shift_arith <= '1'; s_shift_left <= '0'; o_res <= s_shift_out;
+            WHEN alu_srl => s_shift_arith <= '0'; s_shift_left <= '0'; o_res <= s_shift_out;
63 63
             WHEN alu_slt => IF v_op1_s < v_op2_s THEN
64 64
                                 o_res <= X"00000001";
65 65
66 66